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Utility Committee Agenda and Packet 2021 02 09
UTILITY COMMITTEE (pka: Water Committee)
2021 Utility Committee Agendas and Packets
Utility Committee Agenda and Packet 2021 02 09
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2/5/2021 10:44:15 AM
City Council Records
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other part of that is the Pool Program is the component that comes from <br />the CWCB loan which actually amortizes out 35 years. To do an interest <br />rate comparison we'd have to come up with some way to blend the rate <br />on the Pool Program because there's no principle retirements in the first 5 <br />years so we are doing more standard level payment assumptions on City <br />Financing. There would be some yield effect in that comparison. We'd <br />want to capture the CWCB component which keeps repayment longer but <br />the rate is locked at 2.08% for the term. There are other advantages to <br />that, e.g. those funds would be drawn down; we don't pay interest <br />immediately. A lot of dynamics going on in the Pool Program but we can <br />come up with some blended interest rate measurement that will help you <br />see how the two comparable City alternatives look interest wise. The 5 <br />year interest only would not be his preference as the economics of the <br />programs are very similar and feels they are reasonable comparisons. <br />Councilmember Lipton asked why he prefers to borrow for 20 years <br />instead of 30 years given how low rates are and then why is the Pool <br />Program interest only for 5 years? Mr. Manire replied no one has <br />presented the rational for that but did say we have clarity that there is no <br />capitalized interest and we have structural options that we didn't have <br />before. His preference for the 20 year is that he encourages it if you can <br />afford the payment then amortize a little faster but if the City prefers 30 <br />year term that's justifiable too. Mr. Kowar added that with 4-5M dollars of <br />principle and interest they felt that it's a lot to pay for 30 years where the <br />numbers didn't work out and it wasn't worth it. Councilmember Lipton <br />asked why there is the interest only payments for the first 5 years. Mr. <br />Manire said that's how it was presented. Mr. Dragger from the Northern <br />District joined in and said they've spent a lot of time over the last year <br />looking at these financing issues. Northern has looked at a lot of different <br />scenarios and was surprised that so many of the 12 participants were <br />interested in a 20 year repayment period. So we came up with this <br />scenario where they can offer a 20 year payment plan and with that is the <br />90M loan that we get from the State CWCB. The fixed bond payment is a <br />straight payment with 5 year interest only. Mr. Dragger continued saying <br />that our scenario was that the project wasn't built yet as it takes 4+ years <br />to build and we assume the participants would prefer to pay interest for <br />the first 5 years. Then once the project was in place and you start getting <br />a return on your investment you might want to pay off the rest of the <br />principle. So that's a scenario we could offer the participants if they agree <br />and we could start the interest for the first 5 years in the beginning of the <br />project. We use PFM which is our Municipal Advisors and that's the way <br />they set it up for this scenario. We would like to keep it that way but if all <br />the participants want to move a different way then they will be willing to do <br />that. Mr. Zilles with Vranesh & Raisch stated everything mirrors what they <br />talked about at the participant's meeting and they agreed not to pay <br />principle until the project is built and filling with water. Mr. Dragger agreed <br />and said that is common with projects like this where if they can minimize <br />payment until year project is in operation then that's preferred. <br />Councilmember Lipton said he understand this and asked the committee <br />5 <br />
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