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Seventh Amended Public Health Order 20-36 COVID-19 Dial <br />February 12, 2021 <br />COVID-19. Multiple sources of data show that COVID-19 transmission and the use of the <br />hospital system due to COVID-19 have leveled off in Colorado. <br />4. Executive Order D 2020 235, as amended and extended, requires the harmonizing of the <br />various levels of activities previously described in prior Protect Our Neighbors, Safer at <br />Home, and Stay at Home executive orders into one more simplified dial format. Counties must <br />implement the requirements of the relevant level of the COVID-19 Dial for their jurisdiction, as <br />determined by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), based <br />upon scientific metrics established in the Dial. The Dial still strongly encourages that people at <br />risk of severe illness from COVID-19 remain at home or in the great outdoors as much as <br />possible, but allows levels of business and activities based upon disease prevalence and other <br />metrics in each county. Additionally, individuals are encouraged to remain at least 6 feet away <br />from non -household contacts to reduce the likelihood of disease transmission, and otherwise <br />unregulated gatherings are also limited in each level of the Dial. As we continue to combat <br />COVID-19 in our communities, continuing restrictions to mitigate disease spread remain <br />appropriate. <br />INTENT <br />This Order sets forth the requirements for implementation of the COVID Dial. Individual <br />restrictions remain in place concerning limitations on activities, travel, and public gatherings. <br />Workplace restrictions remain necessary to implement standard Distancing Requirements, <br />cleaning standards, and other items necessary to reduce the possibility of disease spread. <br />Additionally, certain businesses and activities require specific guidance based on their business <br />practices, and those are included in the appendices to this Order. <br />This Order supersedes and replaces Public Health Orders 20-32 and 20-35, as amended. <br />I. COVID Dial - Individual Requirements <br />A. All individuals currently living within the State of Colorado are encouraged to stay <br />at home or in the vast, great outdoors and avoid unnecessary interactions whenever <br />possible in order to reduce the spread of disease. Individuals living in shared or <br />outdoor spaces must at all times, to the greatest extent possible, comply with <br />Distancing Requirements, defined in Section IV below, and are encouraged to <br />leave their residences only to perform or utilize Necessary Activities, defined in <br />Section IV below. <br />17 <br />