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Seventh Amended Public Health Order 20-36 COVID-19 Dial <br />February 12, 2021 <br />B. Individuals are urged to wear non -medical cloth face coverings that cover the nose <br />and mouth whenever in public as required by Executive Order D 2020 091 as <br />amended and extended. Additionally, pursuant to Executive Order D 2020 138 as <br />amended and extended by Executive Order D 2020 164, D 2020 190, D 2020 219, <br />D 2020 237,D 2020 245, D 2020 276, D 2020 281, D 2021 007, and D 2021035, <br />all individuals must wear face coverings in public indoor spaces, as that term is <br />defined in the Executive Order 2020 138, unless the individual is 10 years of age <br />or younger, cannot medically tolerate a face covering, or is performing one of the <br />enumerated activities in Section II.M of Executive Order D 2020 138 as amended <br />and extended. <br />C. Individuals at Risk of Severe Illness from COVID-19 are urged to stay in their <br />residence at all times except as necessary to seek medical care, and this becomes <br />more critical as a county's level in the Dial becomes more restrictive. Individuals <br />at Risk of Severe Illness from COVID-19 cannot be compelled to work for any <br />business or government function, including a Critical Business or Critical <br />Government Function, during the pendency of this pandemic emergency. People <br />who are sick must stay in their residence at all times except as necessary to seek <br />medical care, and must not go to work, even for a Critical Business, identified in <br />Appendix A of this Order. <br />D. Individuals who are sick or are experiencing flu -like symptoms should get tested for <br />COVID-19. If an individual has tested positive for COVID-19 and/or has <br />developed symptoms of COVID-19, including early or mild symptoms (such as <br />cough and shortness of breath), they should be in isolation (staying away from <br />others) until they are released by public health. In most cases, individuals are <br />released from isolation when they are fever -free, without medication, for <br />twenty-four (24) hours, other symptoms have improved, and at least ten (10) days <br />have passed since symptoms first appeared. A limited number of people with <br />severe illness may require longer isolation. Coloradans who are sick and receive <br />negative COVID-19 test results should continue to stay home while they are sick <br />and should consult with their healthcare provider about the need for additional <br />testing and the appropriate time to resume normal activities. <br />E. Governmental and other entities are strongly urged to make shelter available to <br />people experiencing homelessness as soon as possible and to the maximum extent <br />practicable, and are authorized to take all reasonable steps necessary to provide <br />non -congregate sheltering along with necessary support services to members of the <br />public in their jurisdiction as necessary to protect all members of the community. <br />