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SUBJECT: COVID-19 CITY REOPENING AND RECOVERY <br />DATE: FEBRUARY 23, 2021 PAGE 2 OF 14 <br />Nearly one year later, City facilities and programs are still not operating at full capacity <br />and staff continue to refer to state and local public health guidance and the principles in <br />making decisions about reopening facilities. Although more residents are becoming <br />vaccinated and the spread of the coronavirus has slowed, the City plans a strategic and <br />gradual reopening of programs, services and facilities in the coming months. <br />In early February the State of Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment <br />(CDPHE) made changes to the COVID dial and metrics (Attachment 1). Boulder County <br />was moved to Level Yellow: Concern on the dial. Below is a table describing the new dial <br />metrics and capacity limits for each of the stages on the dial. <br />What determines your county's level of protection? <br />------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br />Percent of positive cases <br />The percent positivity is defined as the percent of tests that - <br />back positive, out of the total number of tests performed. The global <br />standard to ensure that we are doing enough testing is a percent <br />pent <br />pvity of less than 5% <br />Amount of cases in a one -week period <br />The 1-week incidence, per 100,000 population, helps us understand <br />haw much the virus is circulating in a community_ This is the number <br />of casas for every 100,000 people in the past week. <br />------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br />Stable or declining hospitalizations <br />One of our key goals Is to ensure that every person who needs hospital <br />car -ewe it. This metric encores that there is sufficient hospital <br />capacity available. Stable is defined as no greater than a 25% increase <br />in the county's referral hospitals or no more than 2 new hospital <br />admissions with COV ID-19 on a single dry, In the past 7 days_ <br />----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />+aw <br />is" ORAIyCP <br />tg' u <br />41 <br />has <br />W ©©I►�©I� 9 ^• <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />3 <br />