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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />November 12, 2020 <br />Page 8 of 10 <br />Sarah Reed, 1001 Rex Street, stated that living close to downtown afforded a certain <br />convenience. That convenience comes with a cost, and sometimes they hear noise in <br />the summer through their windows and sometimes they don't have the parking spot they <br />want. She stated that it was a minor cost compared to the convenience of living close to <br />town. <br />Clark thanked the Commission for listening and hoped that the design would move <br />forward and would be a positive impact on the town and Moxie staff. <br />Diehl stated that it was an enhancement to the building and was sensitive to the historic <br />nature of the building. He appreciated that Moxie and the Clarks were foundations of <br />Louisville and that the entrepreneurs who were continuing to invest in the town were to <br />be applauded. He thought that the design of the wall responded to the sound issues. He <br />wondered how the noise rules would apply to future owners if the applicants decided to <br />sell. He shared that he was he thought Criteria 4 was met. It was Old Town and people <br />moved there for the vibrancy, which came with a little bit of music and a little bit of <br />noise, and that's how he interpreted Criteria 4. <br />Brauneis asked if the ADA access would be through the back. <br />Hartronft responded that there was currently an at -grade entrance in the back that did <br />not meet ADA requirements. That entrance would be enhanced to meet ADA <br />requirements and there would be ADA access to the porch, as well. <br />Ritchie responded to Commissioner Diehl's concerns about future owners and shared <br />that the Code allowed an SRU to run with the land or apply to a specific applicant. <br />Hoefner stated that he agreed with staff's assessment of the PDU and he was pleased <br />that there were no waiver requests. On the SRU, Hoefner stated that he heard the <br />concerns about the wall or the noise, but he was not persuaded by either. He stated that <br />live music was part of what made downtown Louisville downtown Louisville and did not <br />think it would be a surprise that a business downtown would have music. He stated that <br />it would be appropriate to have a different standard for Moxie than for other downtown <br />businesses and he did not think it should be limited to the current owner. <br />Howe stated that the PUD met all the criteria. He stated that Moxie was valuable to <br />downtown Louisville and he did not want to limit the business's growth. He was still <br />undecided on the SRU. Criteria 1 did not sit well with him as he could not discount the <br />residents' concerns. He stated that none of the other businesses with similar hours of <br />operation did not border residences and that 3.5 feet was close to a bedroom wall. <br />Moline replied to Commissioner Howe's concerns, stating that he did not think the 3.5 <br />feet distance was accurate. <br />Ritchie replied that at the closest point the structure was 3.5 feet from the property line, <br />with another 4 feet on the other side of the line to the neighboring building. <br />Moline continued by stating that the whole half block was zoned community commercial <br />and was mixed -use, and that residents in those areas could expect that their neighbors <br />