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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />November 12, 2020 <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />Commissioners Moline, Howe, Hoefner, and Brauneis agreed with their fellow <br />commissioners' statements. <br />Rice moved to approve Resolution 15, Series 2020 with the conditions as written. <br />Williams seconded. Motion approved unanimously by roll call vote. <br />Moxie Planned Unit Development and Special Review Use: A request for a Planned <br />Unit Development to allow construction of an addition to the existing structure and <br />associated improvement and a Special Review Use to allow Use Group 35: Outdoor <br />eating and drinking establishments for the property at 641 Main Street (Resolution 16, <br />Series 2020). <br />o Applicant: Erik Hartronft, Hartronft Associates <br />o Case Manager: Lisa Ritchie, Senior Planner <br />All public notice requirements were met. <br />No disclosures or conflicts of interest. <br />Ritchie presented the application for an addition and a request for outdoor eating and <br />drinking, which included a first -story addition, a smaller second -story addition, and a <br />rooftop deck, to be enclosed by a solid wall on the south side. She described the <br />regulations under the Design Handbook for Downtown Louisville and noted that the <br />application did not require any waivers. Ritchie explained that there was a live/work <br />dwelling unit, which was allowed under the Code, and that the proposed hours of <br />operation would be until midnight on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and until 10 PM <br />Monday through Thursday. She shared that the applicants had revised their application <br />to specify no amplified music, though they did intend to have acoustic music during the <br />hours of operation. <br />Staff recommended approval with the following condition: <br />1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall receive approval of the <br />final utility design from public works. <br />Ritchie explained that the condition did not reflect an issue with the Public Works <br />department. Instead, it was a technical condition since the applicant was still working <br />through the process with Public Works. <br />Diehl asked about the stairwells. <br />Ritchie replied that from Main Street there would be new stairs connecting the sidewalk <br />to the second floor. There would also be an interior stairwell, as well as access from the <br />rear. She added that there would be a new sidewalk along the rear of the property to <br />provide ADA access into the building. There would not be ADA access to the rooftop <br />deck. <br />Diehl asked if the only way up to the rooftop deck was the back stairwell. <br />Ritchie replied that there was an internal stairwell, as well. <br />