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LOUISVILLE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT <br />STAFF REPORT <br />JANUARY 15, 1997 <br />APPLICANT: Kathy L. Bray (resident). <br />OWNER: Roland E. Anderson. <br />LOCATION: 2020 East Street, Unit B, Louisville, CO 80027. <br />ZONING: PCZD - Planned Community Zone District, Commercial. <br />REQUEST: Approval of a variance to allow a six-foot solid wood privacy fence in the <br />front yard setback. <br />BACKGROUND: <br />The subject property is a 0.56 acre property on the east side of Highway 42, north of Hecla Drive. <br />The property is triangular, with nearly 400 feet of frontage on Highway 42, but an average depth <br />of only approximately 80 feet. The Davidson Highline Lateral Ditch runs along the rear (east) <br />property line. <br />This property was zoned PCZD in 1989 and amended in 1991 as part of the North Louisville <br />General Development Plan. This parcel is zoned for retail and office commercial development. <br />The overall PCZD district includes single and multi family residential in addition to the retail and <br />office commercial uses. Alvenus Park is the only portion of the North Louisville PCZD platted <br />and partially developed. The PCZD zone district established approved uses and development <br />densities. It did not establish required setbacks. Those would be developed during the PUD and <br />Plat review process. The General Development Plan did state that the yard and bulk standards <br />would generally comply with those in general commercial zoning districts. That standard would <br />be 25 feet in the Zoning Code, and 30 feet in the Commercial Development Design Guidelines. <br />Section 17.16.120(B) states that, "No fence, wall, or hedge exceeding four feet in height shall be <br />located in any required front yard." <br />A condition in the 1989 annexation agreement between Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and the City was <br />that the residential use of this property could continue until the time of development of the <br />property. Residential use of the property would be discontinued if the property were approved <br />for a Plat or PUD for commercial development of the property. No such development has yet <br />occurred, though the owner was allowed to replace an older mobile home on the property with <br />a new modular home earlier in 1996. This provision was intended to allow the property owners <br />1 <br />