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Revitalization Commission <br />Minutes <br />March 10, 2021 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Amendment was prepared to extend agreement and increase the assistance <br />amount from $275,000 to $295,197. Council approved the First Amendment on <br />February 16, 2021. It is before the LRC today for final approval. The LRC <br />expenditure will come due upon construction acceptance of the project. <br />Ms. Iglesias thanked the LRC for the support. <br />Commissioner Smith made a motion made to approve Resolution 21-04. <br />Commissioner Gambale seconded. <br />Roll call vote <br />Commissioner Smith - yes <br />Commissioner Tofte - yes <br />Chair Adler - yes <br />Commissioner Gambale - yes <br />Commissioner Gorsevski - yes <br />Commissioner Williams- yes <br />Motion passes <br />• Discussion/Direction — Urban Renewal Overview <br />Director Pierce noted that with new members on the LRC, this is a good time to <br />refresh our understanding of LRC role in two Urban Renewal Areas (URA) <br />Louisville has. The LRC purpose all ties back to elimination and prevention of <br />blight. <br />Director Pierce provided a high level overview of what is outlined in the memo: <br />The URA is guided by URA law. The LRC has been provided guidance on <br />statutory law by our City Attorney. There are two plans. If they are modified, or if <br />there is a new plan, there will be new requirements based on recent State <br />statutes. <br />Determination of blight is based on 11 blighting factors, tied to each URA. The <br />Hwy 42 URA has nine blight factors, the McCaslin area URA has four blight <br />factors. There is a two-step legislative process used to assess conditions and <br />certify the blight. The conditions surveys are done by firms that have expertise <br />in this area and make a recommendation to City Council. <br />She explained that URA Plans are documents that lay out condition, objectives, <br />implementation and financing tools for the LRC. The Hwy 42 URA was <br />established in 2006. The 550 McCaslin Area URA was established in 2015. <br />LRC makes decisions as to how proposed projects help address blight factors. <br />Agenda Packet P. 4 <br />