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Sustainability Advisory Board Agenda <br />March 17 <br />Page 3 of 13 <br />Mark: County staff withdrew their application for the compost facility. The <br />commissioners approved the withdrawal. Our letter is currently a moot point. <br />There were also concerns from the public. <br />Todd: Should LSAB continue to write letters of support for this or other <br />issues. What is our lane? <br />Katie: There are some instances when a letter of support from LSAB is <br />useful, such as grants. LSAB can act on what we think is best, but should <br />determine as a group if the scope is appropriate. <br />Josh: The council has recently hired a consulting group to look at Highway <br />42. Perhaps LSAB could provide input to the council and to the consulting <br />group. Katie will look into this. <br />Josh: Garden plots: There is often a shortage of garden plots. Is there a <br />possibility to expand gardens to the land across the street? Katie will ask <br />Alan about that. Mark said he is not sure if there is water available on that <br />site. He gave a little history of the plots. Katie said it is financially supported by <br />Denver Urban Gardens (DUG). <br />Josh: Dark sky: Could we invite someone to talk with us about this <br />ordinance? Katie will ask if someone can come and present. Gas station <br />approved at 96th and Dillon. <br />Tiffany: Disappointing that we are adding a gas station. <br />7. 6:55 PM City Staff Update (10 min) <br />Katie: Grant application for regional work on building code updates. Waiting to <br />see if we get the grant. Bag tax implementation: Business specific <br />communications moving forward. The budget implementation request is moving <br />forward. If the statewide bill passes, there could be a conflict with our bag tax. <br />Still need volunteers for the Hazardous Waste drop-off and the Library book drop <br />off. She sent out the sign up. <br />8. 7:05 PM Discussion Item: Climate Action Tax Presentation <br />Presented by Katie Baum, Sustainability Coordinator <br />ON <br />