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Sustainability Advisory Board Agenda <br />March 17 <br />Page 3 of 13 <br />(10 min presentation, 10 min Q&A, 5 min assignment) <br />Katie: This was initiated because of the REC agreement and the citizen survey. <br />67% of our emissions come from buildings. 45% of that comes from the <br />commercial sector. We have climate action goals, and we have a sustainability <br />plan. We don't have the budget to address this. Council wanted to see what a <br />climate action tax would look like. It would sunset over 5 years and could be <br />voted on for an extension. This model is standardized over other municipalities <br />that really address reducing GHG. Three scenarios provided with scaled <br />funding. <br />Collection best opportunity: Excise tax and tax directly on electrical and natural <br />gas consumption on buildings. If we want to do behavior change, excise tax is <br />likely most suited. Programming that already exists and is impactful. Graph from <br />Boulder County indicates buildings are the best place to make an impact. <br />Boulder and Denver have been the only two communities to pass it in Colorado <br />so far. Katie did a lot of background research. There are not a lot of variants in <br />this programming. Majority of funding was aimed at commercial and industry <br />energy efficiency programming and supporting potential code adoption (solar <br />readiness and EV readiness). <br />Council said 2021 is not great timing. There may also be a transportation tax. <br />We need some more background. Council wondered if LSAB could be more <br />involved. <br />Laura: Council is asking for a matrix from LSAB to provide some concrete data <br />on where the money from a tax would go. <br />Another request from the council is to figure out how to accommodate people <br />who are already on renewable energy plans and receiving assistance or are <br />exempt. <br />RJ Harrington: Disappointed that council is kicking the can down the road and <br />asking for more data on the climate tax. What Xcel has done for Boulder, the <br />3 <br />