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RESOLUTION NO. 32 <br />SERIES 2021 <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING A HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND GRANT FOR THE <br />LANDMARKED PROPERTY LOCATED AT 809 MAIN STREET <br />WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the Louisville Historic Preservation <br />Commission an application requesting a historic preservation fund grant for the property <br />located at 809 Main Street, legally described as the N 1/2 Lot 12, Block 5, Town of Louisville, <br />Less portion described per Rec. #17648258; and <br />WHEREAS, the Louisville Historic Preservation Commission reviewed the application <br />and found it to be in compliance with Section 3.20.605.D and Section 15.36.120 of the <br />Louisville Municipal Code; and <br />WHEREAS, the Louisville Historic Preservation Commission has held a properly <br />noticed public hearing on the historic preservation fund grant request on December 21, 2020, <br />where evidence and testimony were entered into the record, including findings in the Louisville <br />Historic Preservation Commission Staff Report dated December 21, 2020, and recommended <br />the request be forwarded to the Louisville City Council with a recommendation of approval; and <br />WHEREAS, the preservation and restoration work being requested for the building at <br />809 Main Street includes eligible preservation, rehabilitation and restoration work on the historic <br />building; and <br />WHEREAS, the requested grant amount of $492,083.00 exceeds the maximum grant <br />amount of $275,000 and the applicant seeks consideration of additional grant funds due to <br />extraordinary circumstances related to the building condition, and architectural details unique <br />to the property, as permitted through Section 12 of City Council Resolution 17, Series 2019; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Louisville City Council finds these proposed improvements will assist <br />in the preservation of the building at 809 Main Street, which is to be landmarked by the City; <br />WHEREAS, the Louisville City Council has duly considered the proposed grant <br />request and the Commission's recommendation, and has held a properly noticed public <br />hearing on the April 20, 2021 regarding the proposed grant request, where evidence and <br />testimony were entered into the record, including findings in the Staff Report dated April 20, <br />2021. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />LOUISVILLE, COLORADO: <br />Section 1: The City Council herby approves the historic preservation grant application <br />Resolution No. 32, Series 2021 <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />