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SUBJECT: JOINT CITY COUNCIL/REVITALIZATION COMMISSION DISCUSSION <br />DATE: MAY 25, 2021 <br />PAGE 2 OF 3 <br />requirements. The Council is contemplating a reduction in the annual paving budget <br />from the Capital Projects Fund as well as reserves for debt payment. There was again <br />discussion about the LRC's willingness to participate in funding for the three underpass <br />projects in the URA. Some Councilmembers suggested this could be at a level of <br />$500,000 annually and others contemplated a contribution closer to $1,500,000 <br />annually given the significant expense of the three underpass projects ($26M). <br />Since the repayment of the potential bonds for these projects could be over a 20 or 30 <br />year period, staff received additional guidance from the City Attorney regarding the <br />expenditure of funds beyond the life of the URA. All funds generated by property tax <br />increment (the main source of LRC funding) remaining in the LRC's special fund must <br />be pledged, but not necessarily spent, within the 25 year life of the TIF provision (2032). <br />If the LRC has pledged funds under a TIF agreement or to the repayment of bonds, for <br />example, the LRC could still use property tax increment in the special fund to pay those <br />obligations beyond 2032. However, the LRC will not receive any increment beyond <br />2032, so any pledge must come from funds already deposited. <br />If the LRC desires to cooperate with the City on this initiative, the pledge of funds would <br />need to be structured through a cooperation agreement. This is the same mechanism <br />used for all participation between the entities. From a timing perspective, if the LRC was <br />willing to pledge funds formally ahead of the Council confirming a ballot question, it may <br />allow the City to reduce the funding requested from voters. <br />The dialogue on this topic has been evolving quickly for both City Council and LRC. At <br />its May 12 meeting, the LRC had unanimous consensus to continue participating in <br />discussions about funding for the URA underpasses. On May 12, the LRC also <br />unanimously directed staff to prepare updated financial projections for the remaining life <br />of the URA (2022 — 2032) as well as potential funding scenarios at the levels of <br />$500,000, $1 M, and $1.5M annually. It is anticipated this information will be ready for <br />LRC review at its June 16, 2021 meeting. The LRC was last provided projections <br />through 2024 at its May 6, 2020 meeting (please see Attachment #2). For additional <br />reference to LRC's current work and priorities, the 2021 adopted budget is include as <br />Attachment #3 and the 2021 Work Plan is included as Attachment #4. <br />To assist both Council and LRC in furthering the potential project cooperation and <br />funding, a special meeting was requested. Staff will be present for the May 25 <br />discussion, but the meeting is structured as an opportunity for Councilmembers and <br />Commissioners to discuss collaboration, project questions/concerns, and next steps. <br />There will also be additional meetings of Council and LRC in June that will continue to <br />bring forward evolving and updated information on project designs and costs as well as <br />budgets. <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />Agenda Packet P. 3 <br />