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more qualified applicants of the appropriate household size request housing in an <br />affordable unit than there are affordable units available, the City Manager shall give <br />priority to applicants who prove their residency or employment within Louisville <br />to the satisfaction of the City Manager. If applicants are equally so prioritized, the <br />City Manager may select among the applicants by lottery. <br />Sec. 17.76.080 Restriction on rental of for -sale units. <br />No owner of a for -sale affordable unit may fail to continuously occupy the <br />unit as a primary residence, or lease or rent out the unit to any person. The City <br />Manager may grant an exception to this restriction if the owner proves to the <br />satisfaction of the City Manager that the lease or rental is directly necessitated by a <br />bona fide hardship, the property has no outstanding down payment assistance loan <br />from the City, and the lessee or renter will be a person approved by the City <br />Manager as meeting the qualifications of a purchaser of an affordable unit under <br />Section 17.76.070. The owner must notify the City Manager at least 90 days prior <br />to leasing or renting out the unit, to give the City Manager adequate time to consider <br />the proposed exception. <br />Sec. 17.76.090 Credits for excess affordable housing. <br />A. Award of credit. <br />By agreement. At the time of final plat or final PUD, a developer <br />may enter into an agreement with the City to memorialize that the <br />developer shall develop more affordable housing than would <br />otherwise be required under this Chapter. <br />2. Certificate of credit. Provided that such housing is actually <br />developed and a certificate of occupancy issued, the City shall <br />award the developer a credit for the excess number of units <br />provided. <br />3. Exceptions. No credit shall be available for any affordable housing <br />built on land donated or sold at a significant discount, for the <br />purpose of developing affordable housing, in satisfaction of this <br />Chapter or any prior affordable housing requirements of the City; or <br />for any affordable housing receiving any City -funded or City - <br />administered assistance whether financial subsidy, tax relief or other <br />credits or incentives from the City. However, a development's use <br />of a loan from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development shall not disqualify its affordable housing from <br />generating a credit. <br />B. Redemption of credit. The credit may be redeemed to offset an <br />equivalent number of affordable housing units that would otherwise be required <br />Ordinance No. 1809, Series 2021 <br />Page 12 of 15 <br />