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you heard from the neighborhood as it came through as a town house proposal. We believe it <br />is consistent with the kind of other single family developments that were done in Centennial. <br />Steve Hanson, McStain Enterprises. We are going to continue the eight foot bike path which <br />was on the previous plan, it will connect with an existing path. Internal circulation is a loop <br />circulation similar to what was proposed on the multi -family proposal. The open space that is <br />provided goes along with the eight foot bike path. It also includes the area adjacent to the Rec <br />Center that is under public service as a logical extension of that existing public open space. <br />The areas that would be landscaped under this plan are at the corners of Via Appia and Pine <br />Street and Owl and Pine Street. We are doing the same front and rear yard set back that was <br />done in Pine Street Park. We have increased the rear yard setback on Via Appia from what <br />was approved on Pine Street Park. We have also increased the side yard. Similarly on the <br />maximum building coverage in Pine Street Park, there was no building coverage stated on the <br />plan. The minimum lot area was a little over 4000 square feet so we have increased that by <br />20%. There average lot size is at least 700 square feet larger than Pine Street Park. We have <br />submitted some information on building envelopes. We have used those and then adjusted <br />some of the lot lines so we would have the flexibility to accommodate a variety. We are in <br />agreement with the staff recommendation of ten building permits per quarter. We would like <br />to have added to that getting one permit in the first quarter which would be the model home <br />that would be built. <br />Q. <br />A. <br />One additional permit? <br />One in the first quarter of 95 then 10 in each quarter there after. <br />We are in the process of modifying the legal description and will have that to staff by the end <br />of the week. That modification includes the access way on to Via Appia so that becomes <br />rededicated to the City as part of this plat. We have done the landscape material quantities and <br />added that to the plan. We have provided typical building foot prints to the staff. <br />Public Comment With Regard to the Application - Annelise Weiner, 795 West Pinyon Way, <br />Louisville. Over that past several months we have met with lots of our neighbors. We talked <br />with several of them about this current proposal. The consensus is that this appears to be a <br />good compromise. We do have one concern. We have heard that when Pine Street Park was <br />built by McStain many residents complained that the grade of the property was artificially <br />increased in areas which made the homes with walk out basements appear taller than <br />necessary. We would like to request that McStain not artificially increase the grade of this <br />site. Elizebeth Hucknear, 761 Owl Court. I would like the thank the Planning Commission <br />for their patience with the public. I would like to address a question to McStain and that is <br />that I have not seen any foot prints. I was wondering what type of models they are going to <br />build. Will they be the same as in Pine Street Park or will they use others? <br />Chairperson Boulet - I am sure we will get to that in a little bit. <br />9 <br />