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Commissioner VanNostrand - I agree with what I have heard so far. I agree with <br />Commissioner Lipton. I am a little nervous vacating this type of stuff. This happens to be <br />one of the areas that I currently ride by bike. Outlot 1 does have a meandering bike path. I <br />think as long as we retain a utility easement there, sometime in the future they might want to <br />under ground the utility cables, and it would be useful to have that easement. <br />Motion made to approve Resolution # 4, Series 1995, a resolution approving a vacation of the <br />10 foot alley right-of-way abutting the west property line of lots 1 - 12, Block 3, Louisville <br />Heights subdivision with the condition as stated with this change: Strike the "e" and the "or" <br />so it says "now and hereafter", located in the right-of-way, strike the word vacate and add <br />"which matches the existing alley, so it would say "now or hereafter located in the right-of- <br />way which matches the existing alley". Strike "a 10 foot wide" as well. <br />Chairperson Boulet - We need to strike "10 foot" in the title as well and change that to an alley <br />"right-of-way". <br />Motion Seconded. <br />Commissioner VanNostrand - Yes we can do that as well. Let it now therefore be resolved <br />would be "an alley" rather than "a 10 foot alley". <br />Roll Call Vote: Jeffrey Lipton - Yes; Russ VanNostrand - Yes; Rex Renfrew - Yes; Tom <br />McAvinew - Yes; Bill Boulet - Yes. Motion passed by a vote of 5 - 0. <br />Paul Wood - For the applicants information this will not go to Council on the 17th. It will go <br />to Council, first reading, on the 7th, then the second reading on the 21 st of February. If you <br />have any scheduling conflicts please let me know. <br />E. H.D. Delaware Properties, Inc., Centennial Valley, Parcel 'H', Lot 3 - Final <br />PUD - Homestead Village: <br />Chairperson Boulet the public hearing. <br />Commission Memhers Disclosures - All members visited the site. <br />Notice/Posting - Peter Kernkamp - The incorrect notice was attached to your packets, which <br />is the notice from the preliminary hearing, let me confirm that the final notice was done on <br />December the 24th. <br />Staff Presentation - Peter Kernkamp gave the staff report. Dan Blankenship - We have <br />reviewed the drainage report. We have a number of technical issues and if this were to be <br />approved tonight we would ask that a condition be placed on it that the drainage be in <br />substantial compliance to our criteria prior to Council approval. We would also ask that the <br />19 <br />