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Q. Would the underlying zoning speak directly to the amount of hard surface that can be on a <br />particular lot? <br />A. No. The ordinance does not directly address that. The current ordiance addresses lot <br />coverage, as it pertains to the building coverage. It does not make a distinction between <br />hard surface/soft surface, etcetera. At this point, if someone wanted to, they could pave <br />their entire lot area. That could be something that could be incorporated into the lot <br />coverage restrictions. <br />Commissioner Lipton - I understand the difficultly in dealing with the architectural issues. The <br />issue of landscaping, I think, is a little simpler to deal with, if, in fact, one of our objectives is <br />preserve the character of these neighborhoods. I think one person can do some things in the way <br />of landscaping that becomes very much out of character. I think if we have an opportunity <br />through a PUD process of some sort, to preclude that, we should take it. <br />Commissioner Renfrew - When you come back with the draft, I would like to see a scenario for <br />each size lot that assumes the maximum. Then we have some real numbers to look at if we pass <br />something. <br />Q. Is the non -conforming structure section of the outline separate from the other sections of <br />your outline, or is it inclusive of the other sections? Are we going to apply different <br />grandfathering to those non -conforming structures so they can rebuild subject to minimum <br />setbacks? <br />A. The direction that I heard was that there was a desire to make some type of provision to <br />make that happen. Depending on how well we do the rest of this, it may, in fact, almost <br />be a moot point. I will take a look at that. That may require, in addition to the PUD, some <br />ordinance revisions in conjunction with this. <br />Paul Wood - Some of the provisions in the other ordinances reviewed does allow replacement of <br />the dwelling unit as long as the square footage does not exceed a fixed percentage (not over 15%). <br />There probably is some desirability to allow replacement. We would need to look at some <br />minimum setback standards for fire safety. <br />Q. Are there some zero lot line residences in Old Town? <br />A. There probably are some. <br />Chairperson Boulet - If we establish a 3 foot standard for the narrow lot, and a zero lot line home <br />burns down, do we want to permit the rebuilding of that? <br />Commissioner Neal - If that is the look in lot coverage, and that is the flavor of the block, why <br />not let them rebuild. <br />Chairperson Boulet - If we establish a new PUD overlay for this area, most everything should <br />become conforming by the time we finish. <br />6 <br />