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Chairperson Boulet - I think we need to decide as a body what the plans are for hearings in <br />November and December. <br />Q. To Staff - Is there a mandate to have a vote with regard to the next hearing on this issue? <br />A. Paul Wood - No, not for this type of setting. This is not a regular business type of meeting. <br />Q. Is the public on notice for those meetings? <br />A. We always post notices in the Lobby. We certainly could post notices if any meetings were <br />cancelled. <br />Q. If there is spill over from the first two hearings in November, would there by any required <br />notice for continuing to the Tuesday after Thanksgiving? <br />A. I think we have advertised everything for the 2nd. On the 2nd, the agenda would be <br />approved and we would ask the Commission to make some decisions on the 2nd about what <br />would be continued. <br />Motion made for Commission to suspend its regular business for its planning sessions currently <br />scheduled for November 22nd and make December 13th available for any spill over or continued <br />items from either November 2nd or November loth. Planning Commission sessions and like wise <br />for the month of December, that the planning meeting currently scheduled for the 27th be <br />suspended and be made available for any spill over or continued items from the: December 13th <br />scheduled meeting. Motion seconded. Motion approved by unanimous voice vote. <br />Announcements/Adjourn: <br />Commissioner Lipton - In looking back at the last meeting in which we were dealing with <br />restaurants we put something into that having to do with the issue of bicycle parking. At the time <br />I was very supportive of that. I am now wondering if we were not a little bit arbitrary in our <br />decision. I wonder if it would be worth looking at this issue in the future as something that we <br />should do a little planning around and apply consistently to future projects that may come before <br />the Commission. <br />Chairperson Boulet - I can comment on that to some degree. In the past, we have made bicycle <br />access an issue. It has not come up in a while because most plans come in with certain types of <br />bicycle access. It is part of the PUD ordinance that there is to be adequate pedestrian and bicycle <br />access. I think we have been fairly consistent with that issue. <br />Commissioner Lipton - I was supportive of the idea. I am wondering if there should not be <br />something, just as we have certain requirements for automobile parking. <br />Chairperson Boulet - Like parking, number of bicycle stalls that type of thing. <br />Commissioner Lipton That and the type of racks and how they might be arranged. <br />Q. To Staff - Is there any thing like that in the code? <br />6 <br />