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regard to fire safety issues. I don't think this part of town should receive any special consideration <br />because of variance hearings. <br />Chairperson McAvinew - Personally, I disagree on that point. I think it should by its nature. <br />I think one reason we don't have close scrutiny of the Fire District in Old Town, is that it's almost <br />useless. The building are already constructed very close together. <br />Peter Kernkamp - With regard to the fire issue, new construction has to comply with the current <br />codes. There are certain requirements and restrictions if you build 3 feet or closer to the property <br />line. <br />Chairperson McAvinew - I am not saying that we should give Old Town a license to construct <br />whatever is desired. <br />Lowell Campbell - I did suggest that maybe the setbacks should be reduced, in order to more <br />closely match the existing construction. <br />Peter Stewart, 1132 Jefferson Avenue, Old Town. I do have a variance for my home. I feel the <br />point of zoning is to give development some direction. One of the biggest downfalls of zoning <br />is the segregation of usage. This, in effect, is destroying the neighborhood character. I am very <br />much in favor of mixed use zoning. I feel at this time the criteria in place for the variance process <br />is wrong. The zoning in place for Old Town would restrict most home owners from rebuilding <br />in case of destruction. <br />Chairperson McAvinew - I have made a note of that to myself. I think there should be allowances <br />in those cases, with perhaps a time limit for rebuilding. <br />Peter Stewart - I think there are 2 issues. Fix what would seem to be the current problem, then <br />consider the long range aspect of what we want Old Town to look like in the next 20 years. <br />Current zoning is breaking up our communities. If you look at towns developed before 1940 you <br />will see a lot of mixed -use zones. There has been some studies and documentation of this. One <br />thing that has resulted is the, "Traditional Neighborhood Development Ordinance". This was <br />developed under a grant from the Nation Endowment for the Arts. What this does, is set up an <br />ordinance that reflects how towns were developed prior to 1940. This handles the setbacks in a <br />completely different manner. It also encourages mixed use, such as in commercial zones, in <br />which at least 25 % of a project needs to be of a residential use. It also takes aesthetics into <br />consideration in some manner. I would like the Commission to look at other ways of encouraging <br />mixed uses, even if only in a limited way. I think mixed use is what creates character in a <br />neighborhood. <br />Chairperson McAvinew - I did see something, I think it was in the Baltimore area, where they <br />developed a community based on mixed use zoning. <br />3 <br />