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To Staff - Is there nothing in place, in a grandfathering system, to replace a destroyed structure? <br />Peter. Kernkamp - If it's more than 50% destroyed, then any reconstruction would have to be in <br />conformance of all zoning requirements. <br />Q. So, if a home bums to the ground, the same foundation could not be used if it has the wrong <br />setbacks, even if they started the next day? <br />A. Not without going through the variance process. That may be something you want to <br />modify for this particular area. <br />Commissioner VanNostrand - I would agree with most all of what I have heard. I do agree that <br />Old Town should be something that is completely separate. I don't want to do something that <br />effects other zone districts. I think that you need to respect existing development by having some <br />sort of grandfather clause, if it is something that is reasonable. I like the concept of porches, <br />columns, etcetera, not being counted for setbacks. I think that is one real specific thing that needs <br />to be addressed. I think reducing setbacks for existing buildings makes some sort of sense. To <br />the extent that it was architecturally compatible, I could see reducing setbacks for new <br />construction. I would not put new construction in the same category as new construction when <br />it came to setbacks. I know it is very difficult to administer architectural guidelines, but I think <br />it is something that needs to be considered. Maybe we should look at the "Traditional <br />Neighborhood Development Ordinance", to have as background so we could see what some of <br />the thinking is on that. <br />Commissioner Neal - To Staff - How many structures in the commercial zone are currently being <br />used as residences? <br />Peter Kernkamp - A total of 23 homes. <br />Q. What about the reverse, in the residential area, how many are being used for commercial? <br />A. We did not specifically survey that. I don't think there is very many. <br />I am not in favor of putting a business in the middle of a quiet neighborhood. I am in favor of <br />somehow protecting people who do choose to live in a commercial area. I would be in favor of <br />that type of mixed uses. <br />Commissioner Renfrew - Is there no grandfather clause on the books for any district. <br />Peter Kernkamp - There is a grandfather clause, in that you continue the use that is already there. <br />The way that it works is that you are only allowed to continue. Once it is more than 50 % <br />destroyed then it is viewed as new construction, which needs to be in conformance with current <br />zoning. That is something that we could address and put into a draft for the Commission. <br />Jim Campbell - I would like to see a change along the lines where someone could still scrape a <br />lot and still be able to build a new non -conforming structure within the previous building <br />5 <br />