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envelope. I must admit, after seeing some of the additions that the Board has approved, I would <br />like to see some sort of architectural control. I think one of the intents of zoning, with residential <br />lots, is trying to preserve some open space on the lots. To me that is an aestheticsc issue. There <br />are, however, other aestheticsc issue that are currently not being considered. I understand that <br />there are a number of issues that we cannot control. I think we need to consider the fact that there <br />are a lot of very old homes that need to be replaced in the Old Town area. I think there could be <br />some exception provision for houses which are already existing. <br />Commissioner Neal - Does the building code address additions conforming to the current design. <br />Other than that I can't see how we can have any control aesthetics. <br />Jim Campbell - If we were to enforce the 25 foot side yard setbacks in all cases in Old Town, it <br />would make the area very unpleasant. <br />Peter Kernkamp - I think I have enough direction to bring forth a first draft. We will bring that <br />forward the fourth Tuesday in August (23rd). At that time, we can start getting into some <br />specifics with regard to some type of ordinance. I would request that Peter Stewart provide a <br />copy of the, "Traditional Neighborhood Development Ordinance", and I will be happy to provide <br />copies to the Commissioners. <br />V. Announcements/Adjourn: Peter Kernkamp - We had to move the August meeting from <br />the normal Tuesday date, due to a conflict with the primary election. The major item for <br />discussion and decision on the 8th will be the Centennial II Townhome proposal. We will also <br />be meeting on August the l lth. The major issues on that agenda will be Centennial Marketplace <br />Development Plans for ShopKo and McDonalds. For August 18 the major issue will be the <br />Knollwood proposal, rezoning and preliminary plat PUD at Highway 42 and 104th. We have <br />some other miscellaneous items that we will work in to those agendas. We should also have <br />minutes for the Commission so those are being partially caught up. <br />Chairperson McAvinew - Could you briefly give information on the status of Colony Square? <br />Peter Kernkamp - My understanding is that they have gone to Council and worked out the <br />acquisition of the additional right-of-way for construction. They have submitted the exhibit for <br />public improvements, which is presently being reviewed by Public Works. Once that review is <br />complete, they can submit their letter of credit and begin construction on the subdivision <br />improvements. We are anticipating the submittal of a building permit application for Mann <br />Theaters within the next month. <br />Meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. <br />6 <br />