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City Council Finance Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />06/14/21 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE MAY 17, 2021 MEETING <br />The Finance Committee approved the May 17, 2021 minutes as presented. <br />NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION — DEBT POLICY & OUTSTANDING DEBT <br />Kevin Watson, Director of Finance, presented an overview of the City's Debt <br />Policy. Director Watson noted that the City's Debt Policies do not apply to the <br />Urban Revitalization District, metropolitan districts within the City's boundaries, or <br />to "pooled financing" arrangements with other entities. <br />Director Watson reviewed each section of Debt Policy, which included: <br />• Use of Debt Financing. <br />o Factors that favor pay-as-you-go (cash financing) versus those that <br />include pay -as -you -use (debt financing) <br />Limitations and Constraints on Debt Financing. <br />o Calculation of Legal Debt Limit and Debt Margin <br />Structure of Debt Financing. <br />o City debt will be structured: <br />■ To achieve the lowest possible net interest cost given market <br />conditions, the urgency of the capital project, and the nature and type <br />of any security provided. <br />■ To minimize impacts on future financing flexibility. <br />■ To rapidly recapture credit capacity for future use. <br />o City debt will be amortized for the shortest period consistent with a fair <br />allocation of cost to current and future beneficiaries of the project being <br />financed, and in keeping with other related provisions of this policy. <br />o The City shall normally issue general obligation bonds or revenue bonds <br />with a maximum life of twenty years or less. <br />o The City will normally seek to amortize general obligation bonds and <br />revenue bonds with level payments (principal plus interest) over the life <br />of the issue. Pushing higher debt service costs to future years will only <br />be considered under special circumstances. <br />o The City will avoid repayment schedules that consist of low annual <br />payments and a large payment of the balance due at the end of the term. <br />o There shall always be at least one interest payment in the first fiscal year <br />after a bond sale and principal repayment shall start no later than the <br />second year after the bond issue. <br />o Call provisions for bond issues shall be made as short as possible, <br />consistent with the lowest interest cost to the City. Unless specific <br />compelling reasons exist, all bonds shall be callable only at par. <br />o Credit enhancements may be used if the costs of such enhancements <br />are lower than the reduction in net debt service payments or if they <br />provide other significant financial benefits to the City. <br />3 <br />