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Revitalization Commission <br />Minutes <br />June 16, 2021 <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />Reports of Commission: <br />None. <br />Business Matters of Commission: <br />• Discussion/Direction — 2020 year End Update, 2021 Estimates & 2022-2032 <br />Financial Projections <br />Finance Director Kevin Watson said last May, staff presented the LRC <br />projections of revenue through 2024. Materials in the packet now take <br />projections through 2032, which is the last year of the URA property tax <br />disbursement. In relation to 2020 financials, Director Watson noted the URA is <br />a component of the City, is audited by City auditors and is a part of audited <br />statements. <br />• Discussion/Direction — Funding Contribution to Underpass Improvements <br />in the Urban Renewal Area <br />Director Watson reviewed four scenarios related to potential contributions the <br />LRC can consider for underpass improvements the City is evaluating for <br />implementation. He indicated the only funding challenge arises in scenario four, <br />where the LRC would provide a $2M annual contribution. In this scenario, fund <br />balance becomes negative, but he stated this situation could be avoided by <br />delaying contributions to begin in 2023 rather than 2022. <br />Director Watson believes the assumptions made for taxation and increases in <br />valuation are conservative. But he warned that there is a lot of uncertainty as to <br />where property values will go post -pandemic and legislation affecting assessed <br />property values. Director Watson and Director Pierce explained the <br />assumptions used for future development. Lastly, Director Watson said that <br />which scenario the LRC chooses is a policy question —pointing out that what <br />presents as fund balance is discretionary since staff has assumed all existing <br />financial obligations of the LRC. <br />Director Pierce encouraged the LRC to focus on the scenarios for $1 M and <br />$1.5M annual contributions to the underpass improvements. She agreed with <br />Director Watson that $2M was feasible, but that it would constrain the LRC from <br />possible future opportunities. She also stated that a $500,000 annual <br />contribution might cause the LRC to struggle to spend all the funds it is likely to <br />receive by the end of the life of the TIF. Director Pierce and Commissioners <br />discussed large investments by the LRC and that the next ten years may <br />require more aggressive spending. <br />Agenda Packet P. 3 <br />