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RESOLUTION NO. 53 <br />SERIES 2021 <br />A RESOLUTION OF INTENT REGARDING PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION <br />IMPROVEMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS OF THE CITY <br />AT AN ELECTION TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 2, 2021 <br />WHEREAS, the City of Louisville, in the County of Boulder and State of <br />Colorado (the "City") is a municipal corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of <br />the State of Colorado and in particular under the provisions of Article XX of the Constitution of <br />the State of Colorado and the City's Charter (the "Charter"); and <br />WHEREAS, the members of the City Council (the "Council") have been duly <br />elected and qualified; and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to previous planning efforts over several years conducted <br />by the City relating to the Transportation Master Plan, the Parks Trails Master Plan and through <br />community feedback, the City has determined that in order to increase the safety and security of <br />the residents and taxpayers of the City, and in furtherance of such City plans, the Council has <br />determined to submit to the voters of the City at the November 2, 2021 election (the "Election") <br />the proposition of incurring limited tax general obligation debt as an initial implementation of the <br />plan to construct transportation improvements of the City, consisting generally of underpasses, <br />bike paths, pedestrian walk ways, trails and at grade or related improvements (the "Project"); and <br />WHEREAS, the amount of debt allowed under the ballot question to construct <br />the Project are limited to a total maximum debt amount of $51,420,000, with a maximum annual <br />repayment cost not to exceed $3,786,000 and a maximum total repayment cost not to exceed <br />$90,240,000; and <br />WHEREAS, although the ballot question allows the City to impose a limited mill <br />levy that produces revenue of up to $3,786,000 annually to pay for debt, it is the current intention <br />and expectation of the City that a significant portion of the annual repayment amounts will be <br />covered by a City contribution of approximately $1.5 million of unencumbered Capital Projects <br />Fund money annually which may increase each year based upon annual budget appropriations <br />and other available revenue; and <br />WHEREAS, in addition to the City contribution, Louisville Revitalization <br />Commission ("LRC") has executed a Cooperation Agreement with the City providing that it <br />would contribute between $1,250,000 and $3,000,000 annually until 2032 toward the Project as <br />the Project is mutually beneficial to the City and to the stated purposes of the LRC and a portion <br />of which Project is expected to be located within the urban renewal plan area (those projects <br />mutually beneficial to the City and the LRC are referred to herein as the "City/LRC Projects"); <br />and <br />Resolution No. 53, Series 2021 <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />