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to the shifts in land use mix. Additionally, the majority of traffic entering and exiting the <br />site will not utilize Kaylix Avenue. <br />Fiscal Policy <br />The Framework portion of the comprehensive plan notes the Foundry property as part <br />of an Urban Corridor and requires positive fiscal benefits within this area. The Takoda <br />development as a whole is a mix of Urban Neighborhoods and Urban Corridor. The <br />Comprehensive Plan does not have a specific fiscal policy for Urban Neighborhoods. <br />The Small Area Plan principles also indicate that land use mix should demonstrate a <br />positive fiscal benefit, but also notes the land use mix needs to be market supported <br />and contemplates incentives to induce the desired land use mix. When the last PUD <br />was processed, the City Council requested that any further amendments to the project <br />also consider the fiscal balance of the Takoda development as a whole considering that <br />the fiscal contribution from the Foundry development was previously considered in other <br />GDP approvals and amendments for Takoda. <br />Staff has provided fiscal analysis for several scenarios specific to the Foundry and the <br />larger Takoda development in the summary below to address both Comprehensive Plan <br />policy and the intent of the original GDP approvals for fiscal balance. The analysis also <br />uses full build -out assumptions and a constrained assumption assuming lower income, <br />construction and real estate values, and limits commercial development to match the <br />current and proposed concurrency requirements. The assumptions are described in <br />more detail below. <br />For the proposed Foundry development analysis, which includes the proposed <br />concurrency requirement, the full -build out scenario shows a slight positive overall fiscal <br />balance of $39,000 over the 20-year period analyzed. It also shows the fiscal balance <br />will decrease from the current Foundry PUD approval assumptions. <br />For the Takoda Development as a whole, using the City's current fiscal analysis <br />methodology, the results indicates an overall negative fiscal balance for both the current <br />and proposed Foundry $2,463,000 and $2,841,000 over 20-years. This indicates that <br />the Takoda development as a whole does not have a positive fiscal balance in either <br />development scenario. <br />As summarized above, in order to evaluate the fiscal impact of the proposed GDP, staff <br />ran multiple scenarios to understand the impact and overall change. The first two <br />scenarios compare the existing approved PUD with the proposed GDP development <br />maximums. The last two scenarios compare the total Takoda area development with <br />the current PUD and the proposed GDP. <br />To evaluate the total Takoda development, staff included the following developments <br />within the area: <br />The Foundry <br />Steel Ranch South Apartments (North Main at Steel Ranch) <br />Foundry GDP Amendment Page 9 of 12 <br />PC — August 12, 2021 <br />WN <br />