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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 8, 2021 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />Moline asked if Mr. Dreyer had considered putting a sign closer to the road. <br />Dreyer replied that he would consider a monument sign. <br />Howe asked if the current sign was workable. <br />Dreyer replied that he did not want to ask for special treatment and he loved the current <br />design of the sign and wanted to work with the City. <br />Moline was in support of the proposal. <br />Howe agreed and thought the company was valuable in the community. He wanted to <br />see what they could do with the existing sign and he did think that the 3-foot sign was <br />small for the 170'-foot setback. He did not think the existing sign was out of the ordinary <br />and he thought it was in scale with the setback. <br />Diehl was in support. <br />Hoefner stated that he had a hard time seeing a difference between what was proposed <br />and what was there now. He was inclined to grant the necessary waivers to keep the <br />existing sign, but stated that the proposal was acceptable as well. <br />Brauneis stated that he appreciated that the applicant had worked with staff and he <br />would be concerned with precedent for other large-scale signs that others may request <br />elsewhere. <br />Moline stated that he worried about precedent if they were to allow the <br />commercialization of this sign, making him more inclined to go with the current proposal. <br />Diehl was in support of moving it forward even given the considerations that the <br />commission had expressed. <br />Moline moved to approve Resolution 8, Series 2021. Hoefner seconded. Motion passed <br />unanimously by roll call vote. <br />St Louis Parish and Bolder Innovation Campus Filing 2 PUD and plat: A request for <br />approval of a PUD to allow a 100,000 sf industrial building and a replat of a portion of <br />Parcel 1, St Louis Parish and Bolder Innovation Campus Filing 1 to create 4 lots <br />(Resolution No. 9, Series 2021). CONTINUED FROM JUNE 24, 2021. <br />• Applicant: United Properties <br />• Case Planner: Lisa Ritchie, Principal Planner <br />Hoefner recused himself. <br />All public notice requirements were met. <br />Ritchie presented the history of the item and described the access plan for the <br />development and the industrial building on Lot 1. She stated that the applicant was <br />carrying forth the same architectural scheme on Lot 1 as previously approved, and <br />k" <br />