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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 8, 2021 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />Ritchie replied that the developers were not obligated to construct the trail, but they <br />would provide grading and landscaping. Trail construction was not currently anticipated <br />in the City budget, but it would be considered in future budget planning phases. <br />Howe asked Commissioner Diehl if he thought the Commission should be consistent <br />across proposals for sustainability guidelines. <br />Diehl responded yes and that he supported the proposal overall, including the waivers, <br />and suggested that maybe this could be another development with electrification down <br />the road. He stated that the scale was different than Redtail, but a new normal needed <br />to be adopted now. <br />Brauneis stated that Redtail had proposed it and this applicant had not, and the <br />applicant could not have known that electrification might be a requirement when they <br />developed this proposal. <br />Moline asked if Commissioner Diehl would be comfortable with a condition that <br />requested that the applicant examine this more before they get to the next stage. <br />Diehl replied that he supported adding a condition to approval that provided the <br />applicant with the guidance to consider it, and then giving Council the option to approve <br />the proposal or not. He did not think that conditions on applications were a good <br />process overall and he thought that sustainability and electrification should be part of <br />the process. <br />Zuccaro stated that the Redtail application had been a GDP, which had a different <br />purpose than a PUD, which was about developing a site plan. He agreed that building <br />codes and the like needed to be updated, adding that those updates were part of the <br />Council work plan. Zuccaro stated that the project -by -project standards should relate to <br />the criteria, which in this case was for a PUD. <br />Diehl asked how to initiate and move forward on this issue overall. <br />Zuccaro replied that a draft ordinance on 2021 energy code updates was on the Council <br />work plan, with all new development to potentially be EV-ready, solar -ready, and <br />electrification -ready. The next stage after that was to review current building codes and <br />Council was studying electrification for different development types. The applicant would <br />be subject to the contemporary Code when they applied for permits. <br />Diehl stated that he was still concerned about traffic and that moving forward it was <br />critical to have a detailed traffic analysis to make sure there wouldn't be problems. He <br />was okay deferring to Council regarding electrification. He stated that ideally <br />electrification would be codified and in place by the time development started. <br />Brauneis stated that he wished it were simple to stand up and say no more, but at this <br />point in time given the process and the fact that changes to Code were underway, it was <br />best to move forward as -is while encouraging the applicant to consider electrification <br />moving forward. <br />7 <br />