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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 12, 2021 <br />Page 4 of 4 <br />STAFF COMMENTS <br />Ritchie shared that the City was about to embark on a rewrite of the Old Town Overlay <br />and the commissioners would be asked for their perspective on those updates. She <br />described the consultants and the process overall. <br />Diehl asked for information on some of the debates in the neighborhood and the historic <br />amendments of the Overlay. <br />Ritchie replied that it had been amended several times over the past few decades but it <br />had been since about 2014 that there had been any amendments before the <br />Commission. Builders doing scrapes and additions most often dealt with the Overlay <br />and staff interacted with the text through the permit process and zoning compliance <br />review. The Overlay had additional requirements regulating FAR and roof pitch for the <br />neighborhood. Ritchie stated that staff mainly heard concerns with the Overlay <br />whenever a new build was going up, which sometimes related to the fact that any <br />change was occurring at all, but sometimes related to cases of massing and sizing <br />incompatibility with neighborhood context. <br />Zuccaro updated the Commission on the temporary staff changes as the city manager <br />position was being filled. <br />COMMISSIONER COMMENTS <br />•em <br />ITEMS TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED FOR THE MEETING ON AUGUST 26, 2021 <br />The Foundry GDP Amendment <br />ITEMS TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED FOR THE MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 <br />• McDonald's PUD Amendment <br />• WaterMill Carwash PUD/SRU <br />ADJOURN <br />Moline moved and Diehl seconded a motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:08 PM. <br />