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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 27, 2021 <br />Page 11 of 13 <br />Director Zuccaro stated a previous version of this was reviewed a year ago. Since that <br />time the applicant, Brue Baukol, has purchased the property. They have brought forward <br />a request for a General Development Plan Amendment that would replace the <br />ConocoPhillips Campus General Development Plan (GDP); it includes a mix of Industrial, <br />Office, and Commercial Development, and includes Open Space, Parks and Trail, Public <br />Safety dedications, and a new internal road network. The application no longer includes a <br />request for a Comprehensive Plan amendment. <br />He reviewed the approximately 390-acre site noting it is the site of the former Storage Tek <br />campus. The current site is zoned Planned Community Zone District (PCZD) and requires <br />the adoption of a GDP that includes proposed land uses, the type and character of <br />development, and the number of dwellings and shows the location of parks, open spaces, <br />recreation facilities and other public facilities including the location, type and character of <br />streets. The GDP and the PCZD zoning agreement are regulatory documents, however <br />the modeled land use mix and concept plans shown here are not binding. <br />He reviewed the proposed land uses and reviewed the proposed open space and public <br />land dedication which includes a public safety facility dedication. Of the 390-acre property <br />309 acres are subject to the minimum 12% public land dedication requirement. This total <br />required dedication is 37 acres and the total proposed dedication is 59 acres. There is a <br />36-acre conservation easement in Broomfield and they are proposing a public access <br />easement over a lake in a separate parcel outside of the dedication. <br />Director Zuccaro reviewed the proposed height and density in the proposal. The <br />maximum allowed development would ne 3,115,000 sf. It is slightly higher than what was <br />in the previous GDP but does comply with Comprehensive Plan policy. <br />The applicant is proposing "common open space" areas that could be triggered in <br />exchange for additional building height in parcels A or C, specifically to build greater than <br />3 stories. The code allows this possibility if they meet certain policies in the <br />Comprehensive Plan related to clustering of the buildings, maintaining view corridors, and <br />other similar types of things. That can only be approved through a subsequent PUD <br />process. At that time, if the applicant is asking for a height waiver the Council can request <br />additional open space in return as a part of the waiver criteria. He noted that the <br />ConocoPhillips GDP allowed for 79% of the buildings to be greater than 3 stories in return <br />for clustering the buildings on the site and maintaining more private open space. <br />Director Zuccaro reviewed other GDP site and design standards as well as the road and <br />trail network. The proposal extends campus Drive to the east to 95t" Street. All streets <br />include lanes and the plan includes multi -use paths and trail connections. <br />Director Zuccaro noted a traffic and mobility study was completed and it makes <br />recommendations of improvements at adjacent intersections that will be needed at build <br />out. The zoning agreement addresses a requirement for transportation demand <br />management. He also noted a drainage and utility plan is included. The proposal includes <br />