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City Council Minutes 2021 08 17
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2021 City Council Minutes
City Council Minutes 2021 08 17
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City Council Records
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City Council Minutes
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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 17, 2021 <br />Page 4 of 12 <br />VOTE: Motion passed by unanimous voice vote. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 1811, SERIES 2021 — AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FIRST <br />AMENDMENT TO CONOCOPHILLIPS CAMPUS GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN <br />(REDTAIL RIDGE MASTER PLAN) — 2ND READING, PUBLIC HEARING (advertised <br />Daily Camera 7/18/21) continued from 7127121 & 813121 <br />Mayor Stolzmann reopened the public hearing. <br />Director Zuccaro provided information on questions Council had from the last meeting. He <br />noted the property is zoned PCZD and it has to go through a General Development Plan. <br />This process is meant for large properties under single development to direct the overall <br />development before getting into the detailed development plans for specific lots. <br />The criteria for a GDP includes the proposed use of all land in the area; the type or <br />character of development in the area; the proposed locations for public lands; and the <br />proposed location of all streets. The actual land dedication will not formally take place <br />until the final plat process. <br />The minimum public land dedication requirement is 12% for non-residential properties. He <br />compared this public land dedication to other GDPs in the City. This proposal is for a 17% <br />dedication of the total land area. The PUD code allows the Council to require additional <br />land use dedications based on these factors: the comprehensive development plan; <br />topography, drainage, vegetation and other such physical conditions; anticipated socio- <br />economic conditions; type and density of development and employment; and the overall <br />need for open space and recreational facilities. Additionally, the code allows for an <br />additional open space dedication as part of the considerations for a waiver of another <br />requirement. <br />Director Zuccaro reviewed the history of this proposal from 2019 to today. Staff and the <br />open space and park advisory boards reviewed various open space plans. There was a <br />preference to locate the open space and park land in areas with the most undeveloped <br />land and areas with the best habitat. There was a desire to have a buffer between the <br />developed areas and the school and to have a view corridor maintained on the property. <br />He reviewed the proposed public land dedication areas. <br />At the last meeting Council asked for information on the trees on the property. He <br />provided some aerial analysis of the trees and how it lines up with the proposed public <br />land dedication. <br />At the last meeting Council asked if there are regulated wetlands on the property. There is <br />a section of wetlands around the Goodhue Ditch but it is exempt from the Army Corps <br />404 permitting requirements. <br />
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