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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 24, 2021 <br />Page 7 of 10 <br />Planner Ritchie asked Council for feedback specifically does the Council want to consider <br />a housing study, should staff look into zoning changes that could result in additional <br />housing supply; is Council interested in looking into incentives; and is Council interested <br />in looking into revenue generation to pay for a program. <br />Public Comments — None. <br />Annmarie Jensen, East County Housing Opportunity Coalition (ECHO), stated the <br />inclusionary housing ordinance will not be enough to reach the 12% goal. She stated <br />affordable housing is often met with local resistance, but she encouraged Council to <br />consider higher density housing as one way to address climate change and allow all <br />incomes, ages, and people to live in town. <br />Debbie Haseman, 247 South Lark Avenue, noted she was able to buy a home here when <br />it was still affordable. She does not want to see Louisville become a place only the <br />affluent can live. She encouraged Council to find ways to bring people of all income levels <br />to town. It is the right thing to do and it is needed. <br />Josh Cooperman, 216 Griffith Street, stated he supports more affordable housing and <br />encouraged Council to consider rezoning to allow for more housing particularly in the <br />Centennial Valley and the McCaslin corridor. Higher density would be good for <br />sustainability. <br />Ken Wilson, 261 Short Place, stated he supports changes for affordable housing. These <br />tools will address not just housing, but sustainability as well and the availability of workers <br />for businesses. He encouraged Council to consider all of the tools. <br />Councilmember Brown asked what information a housing study would give the Council. <br />Ritchie stated these studies generally provide information localized to the community <br />such as demographics and demographic trajectories; what is here now and what is <br />needed; and information on how much housing incentives or zoning changes are likely to <br />generate. It can be tailored toward what questions you want answered. <br />Councilmember Brown noted his concern that we are part of a region and we can't <br />address a lot of this without regional cooperation. <br />Councilmember Brown would like Council to consider some short-term things that could <br />be completed while a housing study is being completed. <br />Councilmember Fahey would like more information on where we are, what we need. She <br />would also like to partner with the County to see what we can do together. She would like <br />to look at changes to ADUs and helping seniors afford housing. <br />