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Rob Zuccaro <br />From: sherry sommer <> <br />Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 7:25 AM <br />To: Planning Commission <br />Subject: GDP Redtail Ridge <br />Dear Members of the Planning Commission, <br />Thank you for your work. Being on this Commission is a big responsibility and I appreciate that you are volunteering your <br />time. <br />Please carefully consider the public benefits of this GDP and its impact on Small Town character. <br />1) All Open Space, including that which is given in exchange for height waivers, should be owned by the City or Louisville, <br />not privately owned. Private Open Space will not benefit residents. <br />More publicly owned Open Space that is held in perpetuity is required to make meaningful public benefit of this <br />property a reality. <br />2) The trail network around and through the property is being marketed as an impressive public benefit. However, I am <br />skeptical that existing residents will benefit. <br />Trails on the perimeter are adjacent to roads and will be noisy. Trails through the property will travel through the <br />landscape of office and industrial uses as well as parking lots. <br />Take, for instance, Centennial Valley as a comparison —I live very close by that area. I sometimes (rarely) walk there. <br />There are hardly any others who use this area for recreation, while Davidson Mesa, which is adjacent and directly to the <br />north, is a very popular destination. Centennial Valley isn't even fully developed and I guess it's somewhat pleasant, but <br />it's not as attractive as actual Open Space. I can't imagine that the trails at RTR would be much more attractive, and so <br />the supposed public benefit of the trails is not very valuable to us. <br />Also consider the impact on Louisville's Small Town character as you did in the first iteration of the GDP. <br />Your concerns included traffic and visual impacts. <br />1) Traffic generated from the project is an anticipated 20,000 extra car trips a day, only about a 25% reduction from the <br />first plan. In spite of some concessions for alternative forms of transpiration this project will still add to SOV congestion <br />and air pollution. <br />2) In the previous iteration you were concerned that the project would be a continuation of the urban sprawl we see <br />along 36, and not complementary to Louisville's Rural SE Gateway. While the square footage has been reduced by about <br />50%, 1 don't think the visual impact is any better. In this GDP proposal, buildings and parking lots sprawl over almost the <br />same footprint as the previous iteration. Buildings will be seen from the highway. <br />If waivers are granted for more Open Space, we will then see 4-5 story buildings, and the Open Space proposed would <br />be private and could be altered by the owners. <br />0 <br />