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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 26, 2021 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Hoefner asked for an overview of where the GDP was in the development process <br />relative to future steps. <br />Ritchie explained that prior the pulling of a building permit for construction, a <br />development needed zoning which in this case was covered by the GDP being <br />amended here. The next step was a PUD approval which included details on <br />architecture and layout, among other elements. She confirmed that the Commission <br />was not being asked to sign off on the conceptual site plan. <br />Brian Bair, Mass Equities, 7552 N 83rd Street in Longmont, described the community <br />meeting process, which included 50 people over three meetings plus direct contact with <br />HOA leadership. He added that they had spent time with neighborhood groups <br />discussing different concept plans. Bair shared commercial market study results from <br />2019 that showed that the City was overbuilt and had high vacancy rates. He stated that <br />the statistics were dire within the 1.5-mile radius of the application and stated that they <br />wanted to focus on community -serving commercial development. Bair stated that there <br />was 160,000 square feet of vacant commercial space in addition to the incoming <br />commercial projects that were being built. He stated that the application was consistent <br />with the build in the adjacent area and that it could be denser under regulations but that <br />the community was concerned about traffic. He noted the concern over lack of housing <br />in the area and stated that this would bring new housing to Louisville. <br />Diehl asked about why they did not think that this area would reach the occupancy of <br />the area across the road in Lafayette. <br />Bair replied that the centers of influence closer to Old Town or Highway 36 were more <br />comfortable for commercial and that the current owner had marketed the Foundry <br />program for three years without getting a commercial bite, and that the food hall <br />proposal never got a taker, either. <br />Moline asked how this met the intent of the Small Area Plan (SAP) <br />Bair replied that the SAP was discussed in the neighborhood meetings and he thought <br />the proposal was consistent with it. He gave the example that they had backed off of <br />three stories because the neighborhood wanted it more consistent with the SAP. <br />Moline asked why the applicant was proposing a change to the plan rather than adding <br />a letter of intent to the current Foundry PUD, positing that Mr. Bair would cite the <br />reasons he had already explained in the meeting. <br />Bair agreed and added that the new proposal allowed for a smaller, boutique <br />commercial tenant, whereas the current one was more set up for large food hall and flex <br />spaces. He stated that this area had a more single-family feeling, as well, whereas the <br />current plan was more of a condo product. <br />Howe asked how this development highlighted the gateway of Louisville aspect of the <br />area that residents had mentioned. <br />5 <br />