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The 2 main reasons for pursuing trail option A instead of other alignments. Both reasons <br />(application of insecticides and movement of equipment) deal with impacts to your <br />current lease holder. I would like to learn a little more about these impacts. <br />o How many times a year would Keith be impacted? <br />o We also apply insecticides, so the alignment of Trail Option A would be impacted <br />by us spraying insecticides. <br />o Your plan states that option B would negatively impact the economic feasibility <br />of the ag operations. <br />■ How much of an impact? <br />■ Who determined the cost of the impact? <br />■ Was there a comparison of the impact vs the additional construction cost <br />of Option A <br />Do you have estimates for construction of all 3 options. Options A, B and C <br />One of your listed Pro's for recommending Option A is "this trail alignment would lead <br />to greater open space immersion for trail users". I would like to hear the thought process <br />on this statement. The recommended trail location is actually avoiding your property and <br />shifting the burden of "open space immersion" to your neighboring property owners <br />instead of a minor seasonal operational burden to your lessee if you pursued option B. I <br />guess I don't understand why the trail is being pushed to perimeter, impacting <br />neighboring property owners instead of the trail following irrigation ditches and <br />providing interior access to the Mayhoffer open space. <br />Jay and Kristen Schultz, Lafayette, Sept. 28, 2021 (Neighboring Owner with Conservation <br />Easement) <br />Overall, our main thoughts are: <br />- If there is going to be a trail, then we personally prefer the other Option C. In addition to the <br />added benefit of a longer loop, it would also provide a safe access alongside Empire Rd which <br />currently doesn't exist. Empire Rd seems to get a lot of bike/foot traffic as a more direct path to <br />downtown Louisville and cars often speed down that road; the bend in particular can often hide <br />visibility. We think any kind of off-street access for pedestrians would be a big plus for the <br />community. <br />- Is there a benefit by having the trail alongside private property lines called out in the plan? <br />Specifically compared to a more central path within the open space. It seems like it would be <br />better scenery to have open space on both sides of the trail vs just one side. (Bobolink trail or <br />White Rocks comes to mind as examples) <br />- We didn't see any mention of a prairie dog mitigation strategy. Is that planned at all since the <br />proposed trail would currently go through a current colony? <br />13 <br />