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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />16 November 2020 <br />Page 9 of 9 <br />Zuccaro added that additional information could weigh in on the exception question under <br />undue hardship. <br />The Commission, staff, and the homeowner discussed options for additional information and the <br />timeline for the continued hearing. They discussed the Code language that allowed for the <br />Commission to request independent information from staff or from the applicant. Commissioner <br />Klemme asked to hear from the manufacturer specifically. <br />Haley summarized the request for additional information, which included information from the <br />manufacturer, letters from the applicant's roofers, and information from staff from the City <br />building personnel and connections. She added that it might look like the Commission was <br />overreacting, but they could set themselves up for a lot of these discussions in the future, which <br />is why they were being cautious and not just making a sympathetic decision or an un-unified <br />decision. <br />Klemme made a motion to continue the discussion on 816 Lincoln to December 7t". Keller <br />seconded. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote. <br />None. <br />HPC SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES <br />ITEMS FROM STAFF <br />Staff shared that subcommittees had released demolition permits at 740 Garfield Avenue and <br />617 Jefferson Avenue. <br />UPDATES FROM COMMISSION MEMBERS <br />The Commission discussed the coloring book project. Chair Haley explained that the <br />subcommittee had considered contacting local artists to get a cost analysis. Director Zuccaro <br />shared that the City purchasing policy required making an effort to identify three vendors and <br />make a decision based on price and quality of work, which was different than the competitive <br />bid process. Chair Haley stated that the images may not end up being used in a coloring book, <br />but the subcommittee was planning to obtain the images first and then decide how to use them. <br />General consensus that the rest of the Commission was in favor of staff contacting artists to <br />establish cost and scope. <br />DISCUSSION ITEMS FOR DECEMBER 21st <br />• Demolition Language Update <br />• HSA Requirement Update <br />Adjourn <br />Parris motioned to adjourn and Klemme seconded. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote. <br />Meeting adjourned at 9:13 PM. <br />Lynda Haley, Chair <br />9 <br />