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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 8, 2020 <br />Page3of5 <br />will also be eligible for $5,000 landmark grant. Klemme stated that she is comfortable with the <br />number proposed by staff. <br />Dunlap made a motion to recommend approval of the Grant Request as presented for 925 <br />Jefferson Avenue. Klemme seconded. Passed unanimously by voice vote. <br />1016 Grant Avenue: Landmark, Grant, Alteration Certificate Request <br />Staff presented the following the research and information on 1016 Grant Avenue: <br />Selvoski shared that the structure at 925 Jefferson was approximately 112 years old and was a <br />classic example of vernacular architecture, with a rectangular plan and cross -gable roof. The <br />property was associated with Helen Berardi Caranci for 90 years. She and her husband <br />Lawrence were active in the Louisville community. Lawrence Caranci at various times served as <br />Mayor, Fire Chief, and City Council member. Staff found that the structure had maintained much <br />of its physical integrity. There was an addition to the rear that did not impact integrity. Staff finds <br />that the structure met the landmarking criteria and suggested named it the Berardi House. <br />Selvoski also presented the alteration certificate request. The applicant is applying for an <br />alteration certificate to allow for restoration and rehabilitation work to the historic house as well <br />as a modern addition. The applicant is requesting to modify the following on the existing <br />structure: window replacements; siding restoration; front porch restoration; structural <br />stabilization. She noted the differentiation between old and new construction in the elevations. <br />Therefore, staff recommended approval of the request for the alteration certificate. <br />Selvoski presented the grant request for a matching preservation grant in the amount of <br />$40,000 and a new construction grant of $15,000. She reminded the Commission that the <br />maximum grant amount was $40,000. Selvoski noted that the proposed work was eligible for <br />coverage. Selvoski stated that staff proposed that the grant be approved in the amount of <br />$55,000. <br />Andy Johnson, DAJ Design, presented on the project and provided additional details on the <br />design choices and the intention to preserve the historic property. <br />Public Comments: <br />None. <br />Discussion: <br />Haley stated that the home meets all the criteria for landmarking: age, significance, integrity. <br />Klemme concurred and added that she finds the name appropriate. <br />Haley appreciated the aspects of the alteration certificate that would bring the home back to a <br />more historic appearance. The additional also meets the criteria for the new construction grant <br />and is a great example of what we'd like to see. Parris agreed and appreciated that the request <br />was reasonable. <br />Dunlap appreciated the removal of the siding and the return to historic window size/placement. <br />3 <br />