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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />September 28, 2021 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />Disposal Fees Effective September 1, 2021 for the City of Louisville, <br />Colorado <br />DISCUSSION/DIRECTION — CITY MANAGER'S PROPOSED 2022 BUDGET <br />CHANGES MADE SINCE SEPTEMBER 14 SPECIAL MEETING & ARPA FUNDING <br />INFORMATION <br />Interim City Manager Davis stated this is to follow up with Council on changes made from <br />direction at the last budget discussion. Director Watson reviewed the changes since the <br />last meeting. It includes updated revenue projections, adding a transfer from the General <br />Fund to the CIP fund in 2022 for the pavement booster program, and a one-time transfer <br />to the General Fund for reimbursement of ARPA funds. <br />Public Comments <br />Maggie Harper, 1157 Harper Lake Drive, asked the Council to add additional funding to <br />address landscaping issues near Harper Lake. She stated the lack of upkeep is affecting <br />the property values in the area. She would like to see a long-term plan to address this. <br />Larry Donner, 1020 Willow Place, stated work has begun to address landscaping issues <br />in the area near Harper but he would like the Council to have a long term plan to address <br />many issues. Money has been allocated for many projects that have not been completed. <br />Councilmember Lipton stated he would like to see additional funds dedicated to <br />maintenance issues so everything is being maintained to an appropriate level. He would <br />like to know if this is just a budgetary issue or if there are other issues at play. <br />Interim City Manager Davis stated staff is evaluating the current the state of parks and <br />public spaces and looking at options to on how to address the issues and maintain a base <br />level of operations on an ongoing basis. Staff will create a process for next steps and for <br />a budget request. Council can put in a place holder for this or staff can come back with a <br />budget amendment. <br />Mayor Stolzmann stated Council would like to have a plan for addressing capital <br />improvements and how to set and maintain an operational level of service. <br />Councilmember Lipton would like to see money set aside for a booster program to <br />address these issues and aggressively pursue these fixes. <br />Councilmember Leh wants action quickly on those items that can be easily addressed. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Maloney stated there are areas in parks and open space where standard <br />maintenance needs to be addressed both immediately and with long-term planning. There <br />is money in both the General Fund and ARPA funds that could be used. <br />