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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />November 11, 2021 <br />Page 5 of 12 <br />flexible, but he stated that they also had to deliver a product to the market and the <br />community. He shared that he was proud of the community engagement they had done <br />and stated that over 60 people had attended their presentations and they had made a <br />number of changes throughout the process. He finished by stating that the proposal <br />included things that were needed in Louisville. <br />Williams stated that Lanterns was not 55+ and she did not think there were any 55+ in <br />Louisville, and asked about Inclusionary Housing Ordinance requirement. <br />Bair replied that they planned to meet the requirement but they had not decided how. <br />Diehl asked how this proposal was less dense. <br />Bair stated that it was less than what could be built and added that the current approved <br />plan was for three-story buildings whereas the proposal was for two-story. <br />Diehl clarified that 5,000 square feet would be added, which would increase density. <br />Moline asked about how the developer had responded to requests from the community <br />to having more commercial. <br />Bair stated that they had looked into the commercial around the site and had found that <br />in that area there was over 140,000 square feet of vacancy made up of different types <br />of commercial. They planned to build something that was more neighborhood -serving, <br />which was different from what was currently out there. <br />Mark Thompson, 782 Treece Street in Steel Ranch, stated that he and his wife were <br />impressed by the Mass Equities team and the changes they had made to the original <br />plan, including eliminating a drive-thru option and lowering height maximums, among <br />other changes. He noted that no other developers had been forced to provide 55+ and it <br />did not seem to be fair to put that on Mass Equities. He stated that the developers were <br />proposing to design homes that would be attractive to 55+ without the need to manage <br />and police age restrictions. He stated that the commercial vacancies previously <br />described in the meeting did not include the planned commercial developments that in <br />the area and he supported the 20,000 square feet proposed. He had been told that the <br />majority of residents closest to the development were not in favor of the development, <br />but there were upwards of 200 more homes in the neighborhood and he knew firsthand <br />that many of those residents were in support of that plan. He and his wife supported the <br />plan overall and encouraged its approval. <br />Gary Larson, 2189 Park Lane in Steel Ranch, stated that he lived directly across from <br />the development and had been involved in the previous iteration. He stated that the <br />adjacent community of patio homes with main -floor master bedrooms had not wanted <br />55+; instead, they had wanted the main -floor master concept. He and his wife had made <br />the move to the houses with master bedroom that included other elements that worked <br />for senior residents and that's what residents wanted, not necessarily the 55+ <br />restrictions. The adjacent community would like not to see the townhomes creating a <br />Highway 42 tunnel and they wanted to see something like a dedicated sit-down <br />7 <br />