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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />April 8, 2021 <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />Hoefner agreed and said at least once in the past they had been in the situation where <br />someone had come in with a promise that construction was just around the corner, and <br />at the same meeting the Commission had heard from concerned neighbors that the site <br />was an eyesore and had been under construction for years. Those situations took the <br />Commission hostage because if the Commission denied it the developer would say the <br />Commission shut them down but if the Commission approved the extension then the <br />developers could sit on the lot for another three years. <br />Ritchie replied that staff would appreciate some codified parameters for extension <br />reviews, such as you can't get a PUD extension if you have any zoning violations on <br />your property, and/or criteria around context. <br />Brauneis summarized that the Commission would be happy to entertain a discussion. <br />Ritchie summarized that there could be a potential code amendment that helped avoid <br />getting in the way of progress but adding criteria for the extension. She asked if there <br />were any other issues the commissioners wanted to consider as code amendments. <br />Diehl brought up residential dark sky standards. <br />Zuccaro asked for an initial reaction for requiring a retrofit over time. He gave the <br />example of Boulder giving residents 5-6 years to retrofit outdoor lighting fixtures versus <br />only requiring it in new developments. <br />Diehl stated that his initial reaction was it was a little overbearing, but he wondered if <br />there was a way to create a fund to cover 50% of the retrofit or to provide other <br />incentives or discounts. <br />Brauneis noted that enforcement would be a nightmare since determining model <br />number and fixture type would be difficult. <br />Moline agreed and he loved to think that the City could go there in the future but he had <br />no expectation in a suburban neighborhood that it would be a dark -sky zone. He was <br />supportive of the concept moving forward. <br />Brauneis noted that it could begin with an education piece to let people know what to <br />look for when buying fixtures. <br />Williams stated that if you're not getting Excel to retrofit you couldn't get residential. <br />Brauneis said he would love to see the streetlights retrofitted. <br />Zuccaro shared that Excel owned all the streetlights in the City. He stated that the City <br />had funding to convert all of the municipal lights to convert all to LED for energy <br />efficient. LED lights were very bright and one of the dark sky things was having a yellow <br />light that was better for people and wildlife. He shared that Excel had very limited <br />offerings for lights and that a lot of cities were exploring obtaining the lights from Excel <br />to have more control over the lights. He noted that there was funding to convert all <br />neighborhood lights to LED with Excel that could start this year. They would improve the <br />