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Planning Commission Minutes 2021 10 14
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Planning Commission Minutes 2021 10 14
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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 14, 2021 <br />Page 3of9 <br />Ritchie replied that there were no technical standards and it was not a defined term, but <br />it did imply the type of character. She noted that there could be bigger focus on the <br />Dillon Road intersection for the rural context since the other three corners of that <br />intersection were visibly rural. <br />Moline asked if there was access for the southwest corner of the site onto S. 96th Street. <br />Ritchie replied that there was not and she showed the movement on the site through the <br />network of private drives. <br />Moline voiced concern about making sure that the west side of the lanes stayed open <br />for traffic and asked if there was an difference in elevation between 96th and the <br />landscape buffer on the west. <br />Ritchie stated that the street elevation was higher than the site elevation by roughly four <br />feet. <br />Moline stated that the difference made him even more interested in the landscape buffer <br />since you might be looking down on the landscaping from 96t" <br />Howe asked about reorienting the building to avoid cars lining up visibly. <br />Ritchie deferred to the applicant. <br />Alicia Rhymer, United Properties at 1331 17th Street in Denver, shared the construction <br />status for the larger site and described the carwash in relation to the rest of the tenants <br />and uses on the site. <br />Justin Villa and Meagan Malcolm -Peck, 528 South Taylor Avenue, stated that they have <br />a business in Louisville in the CTC and described their connections to Louisville. They <br />shared that the site was close to where they work currently and that they participate in <br />the local community. They also described their plan for the business and the building, <br />and how their proposal met the requirements. <br />Mark Brazee, of Hover Architecture in Englewood, described the site lighting plan, the <br />water usage plan, and their efforts to reduce the heat island effect. <br />Mr. Villa stated that if they oriented the building sideways they would not be able to <br />meet the setback and the front of the building would not get the benefit of facing the sun <br />for snowmelt. He added that taking off a bay would decrease the value of the building <br />and a different orientation would also affected the flow and use of the different elements <br />of the building. <br />Rhymer stated that the orientation made sense for functionality with the broader site to <br />allow for the same traffic flow throughout the site. <br />Williams asked if the applicants were willing to change landscaping plans for tree size <br />and type. <br />
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