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COOPERATION AGREEMENT <br />Front Street Sidewalk Conneetivity Improvements <br />This Agreement (the "Cooperation Agreement") is made as of F z?_uAig a , <br />2022, by and between the CITY OF LOUISVILLE (the "City") and the LOUISVILLE <br />REVITALIZATION COMMISSION (the "LRC"). The City and the LRC are sometimes <br />referred to herein individually as a Party and collectively as the Parties. <br />RECITALS <br />A. The City is a home -rule city and municipal corporation duly organized and existing <br />under and pursuant to Article XX of the Colorado Constitution and Charter of the City (the <br />"Charter"). <br />B. The LRC is a public body corporate and politic authorized to transact business and <br />exercise its powers as an urban renewal authority under and pursuant to the Colorado Urban <br />Renewal Law, Part I of Article 25 of Title 31, C.R.S. (the "Act"). <br />C. The City desires to expand connectivity in Downtown Louisville by connecting <br />public sidewalk in front of the historic Grain Elevator Site, located at 500, 520, 540, and 544 Front <br />Street, Louisville, Colorado (the "Property"). <br />D. In coordination with the Property's owners, the City plans to install new concrete <br />sidewalk, a tree lawn, and supporting irrigation system (the "Project"). <br />E. The City plans to hire a contractor to construct and install the Project in early 2022. <br />F. The City has not yet solicited bids for the Project, so the Project cost is yet to be <br />determined. <br />G. The Project is located within the area (the "Plan Area") described in the Highway <br />42 Revitalization Area Urban Renewal Plan (the "Plan"). <br />H. The Plan provides for financing the activities and undertakings of the LRC by <br />means of property tax allocation or tax increment financing ("Property Tax TIF") in accordance <br />with Section 31-25-107(9) of the Act. <br />I. The LRC finds that Project will help prevent the spread of blight within the Plan <br />Area by providing enhanced walkability and connectivity in furtherance of the purposes of the Act <br />and Plan, and thus desires to participate financially in the Project. <br />The LRC desires to limit its financial contribution to the lesser of the actual cost to <br />construct and install the Project, or $100,000. <br />