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After deducting the named revenues, we are left with a budget <br />of $1,855,661. <br />The economic picture is brighter than in the past years. Due <br />primarily to the recent and proposed growth picture. Again we still <br />can not be sure how soon the Colorado Technological Center will <br />develop. It should be noted that when growthslows down a major <br />source of revenue for the City slows down. <br />The increased cost of supplies, salaries and inflation places <br />us in the position of relying more and more on outside sources of <br />revenue to fund the operational and maintenance aspects of the <br />City's operations. <br />It is extremely important that the City develop or increase <br />the more continuing or permanent type revenue sources to replace that <br />revenue derived from growth. <br />After a careful review of all budget requests and our projected <br />revenue picture, also in keeping with the Mayor and City Councils <br />stated policy, that present mill levies should be lowered, the <br />budget provides for a decrease in the tax levy. The levy proposed <br />is as follows: <br />General Fund 9.05 mills <br />Firemen Pension Fund 1 mill <br />Pool Fund 1.65 mills <br />Capital Improvement 2 mills <br />General Improvement 4.3 mills <br />(D) <br />