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Survey Questions <br />1. Demographic <br />1. What is your role in the business? <br />2. What business corridor/center is your business located in? <br />3. Approximately how many employees do you have? <br />4. What is the current outlook for your business over the next 18 months? <br />2. Louisville Perceptions <br />1. How much do you agree with the following sentence: "It is easy to get business <br />done in the city of Louisville." <br />2. How much do you agree with the following sentence: "The cost of doing business <br />in Louisville is equal or better than surrounding communities." <br />3. How much do you agree with the following sentence: "Louisville is leading the <br />way in showing how front -range communities should adapt to the rapid growth and <br />change in our region." <br />4. Why should a business choose Louisville? (Pick 2) <br />t2j�� Agenda Packet P. 20 <br />Boulder Insights Group <br />