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Consistent with this mission, City leaders and staff accomplished the following <br />during 2008: <br />Development of a Long-Term Financial Model for the City. <br />Maintained and improved various highways, streets, drainage ways, <br />sidewalks, alleys, trails, and parks and invested nearly $3.2 million <br />towards the City’s infrastructure and the acquisition of land. <br />Completed design, engineering and land acquisition required to <br />thth <br />reconstruct Dillon Road from 88 to 104 street. Total costs will be slightly <br />over $4 million. <br />Updated the City’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br />Developed a new approach to trash collection, recycling and composting <br />that will lower costs for the majority of residents, reduce the number of <br />heavy trucks on streets to lessen street damage, truck traffic, noise and <br />pollution, dramatically increase recycling rates and provide better <br />customer service. <br />Adopted and implemented a public involvement policy. <br />PROJECTS PLANNED IN 2009 <br />The City reviews and publishes its Five-Year Capital Improvements Plan on an <br />annual basis. Planned City projects include: <br />Complete reconstruction of Dillon Road from 96th to 104th street. <br />Begin the reconstruction of the South Boulder Road/Highway 42 <br />intersection. <br />Complete over $1 million in general street improvements, including <br />asphalt and concrete replacement. <br />Replace the City’s entire financial management and accounting system. <br />Complete over $1,000,000 in Recreation Center and parks improvements. <br />Begin implementation of radio-read water meters. <br />Complete over $2.3 million in water and wastewater utility projects. <br /> Implement a Geographical Information System <br />FINANCIAL INFORMATION <br />Management of the City is responsible for establishing and maintaining internal <br />controls that are designed to ensure that the assets of the City are protected from <br />loss, theft or misuse. Also, management ensures that financial statements are <br />prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles through the <br />compilation of adequate accounting data.Internal controls are designed to <br />provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that these objectives are met. <br />The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that: (1) the cost of a control <br /> <br />