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<br />City Council Meeting <br /> <br />EARL, MARTIN, HOr,1ART, <br />CONTINUED FORMAL <br />STATEMENT. . . <br /> <br />DONALD KAHAN <br /> <br />August 3,1982 <br /> <br />PAGE 2 <br /> <br />proposed project is directly related to our <br />inability, after much effort, to secure a commit- <br />ment from a third major department store. <br /> <br />However, the Partnership, which is comprised of <br />Homart Development Co. and the Jacobs/Kahan Co., <br />reaffirms its desire and determination to continue <br />to work closely with the City of Louisville in <br />planning development of the venture's property in <br />a manner beneficial to all concerned parties. <br /> <br />As a property owner in Louisville and as a citizen <br />of the community, Louisville Associates, like each <br />of you, has a vested interest in continued growth <br />and prosperity in Louisville. We have confidence <br />in the future and we will work with you to assure <br />development of a new project plan which is con- <br />sistent with Louisville's community-wide plan for <br />growth. We are today receiving proposals from <br />planners who are interested in working with us to <br />replan the property. <br /> <br />Plans for public improvements to serve a new <br />development plan must be made in concert with city <br />planners and city engineers. Louisville Associates <br />proposes to promptly reassess all utility projects <br />now underway or being planned to determine which <br />would be beneficial as planned and which should <br />be changed or held in abeyance. We trust you will <br />agree on this course of action. <br /> <br />Certainly the discontinuance of plans for a new <br />regional shopping mall in Louisville is a dis- <br />appointment to us and may cuase some temporary <br />confusion, but I assure you that you are dealing <br />with people of substance and determination. <br /> <br />We consider ourselves partners with the community <br />and ask for your support as we continue to plan <br />a development which will be a long-term asset <br />to Louisville and to Boulder County. Thank you <br />very much. II <br /> <br />Representing himself: This has been 4 long hard <br />years, and I am sorry to come to a meeting like <br />this. I have never put myself into any single <br />project as I have this one, and the reason I am <br />here tonight, is that the community deserves more <br />than a quiet death, but to be told directly and <br />to answer whatever questions in as frank a manner <br />as we can, on anything you might want to know. <br /> <br />Speaking on behalf of my partnerhsip; the decision <br />was reached and given to you, and they are as un- <br />happy and sorry as I, and if a movie is ever made <br />on Louisville, the City will certainly share the <br />proceeds on my part. <br />