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<br />Page - 2 - <br /> <br />of councilor members of the City Engineering Dept. say _ <br />you told me you were going to put only 180 autos, now you <br />have 320 autos. What we are proposing is what is the <br />maximum on both building conditions and parking. <br /> <br />Councilman Leary I think I would probably prefer though <br />that you would say that we may have to go to 320, but put <br />200 in or something like that. We would be aware of that <br />situation. <br /> <br />Ken Taniguchi What is a good consideration? It is <br />something that I think we have to think about more, and it <br />is kind of hard in today's market - actually today we know <br />fairly close that 25% of the employees are carpooling. But <br />we don't know whether we can push it to 30% or 35% like we <br />would like to. Right now in a sense this is a guessing game <br />and we are trying to give our best estimates. <br /> <br />Councilman Lear~ But with aggresive programs for example <br />I thin Mobile Oil has about a 75% rate and Arco Oil which <br />they do for public relations purposes is running up in the 90% <br />in terms of rider-share efforts. So there is a lot of potential <br />in that area. <br /> <br />Ken Taniguchi <br /> <br />I agree. <br /> <br />Councilman Ferrera On the landscaping, is it going to be just <br />natural area or are you going to plant grass, or sod? <br /> <br />Ken Taniguchi We will have some sod areas, shrubbery, and <br />quite a bit of tree planting. What we are going to try to do <br />is impact areas of landscaping to maximize as far as the overall <br />intent of the project. <br /> <br />Ken Taniguchi Basically around parking areas to the north, <br />to the southeast coming east from South Boulder Road and around <br />that lower southwest corner, adjacent to Continental View Estates. <br />My understanding is that Continental View Estates was to provide <br />some type of landscape or fencing screen - which they have not <br />yet done, and we are willing to work with them as to provide <br />something that could possibly tie with their open space. In a <br />sense continue with their open space feeling that goes thru the <br />dedicated open space area. <br /> <br />Councilwoman Morris I live up on the Mesa, and I tried to get <br />in touch with as many people as I could today to get a general <br />feeling. The general feeling, which I have to really agree with, <br />is that Neodata is the kind of industry, quote - unquote industry, <br />that we want in Louisville. It's excellent as far as tax purposes <br />is concerned, it's clean. The one problem that we have up on the <br />hill is that it is gonna effect - I understand what you are saying <br />as far as traffic is concerned" However, having structured outside <br />right now, the building that is there is what? 16,000 - 17,000 <br />