DocuSign Envelope ID: FOB21573-4B58-4541-91F4-00117E07A232
<br />b. Burned debris from property remains, including burned or partially burned
<br />furniture, personal belongings, white goods, household appliances, and patio
<br />furniture;
<br />c. This does not include burned or partially burned stone, concrete, landscaping
<br />features, or statues.
<br />d. Hazardous materials and pollutants; and
<br />e. Chimneys, trees, and unsupported walls that are hazardous to debris removal crews.
<br />Q. FEMA deferred its decision on other elements of the County's PPDR request, such as
<br />foundation removal, pending submission of additional information concerning economic
<br />recovery.
<br />R. On March 1, 2022, FEMA granted the County's request for additional public assistance
<br />funding to expedite economic recovery in the affected communities. Pursuant thereto,
<br />FEMA issued the following, consolidated list of types of hazardous Disaster -caused debris
<br />that are eligible for PPDR:
<br />a. Removal of surface ash, which may include three to six inches of incidental soil;
<br />b. Removal of burned vehicles;
<br />c. Removal of structural footings, foundations, and basements;
<br />d. Burned debris from the remains of homes that are clearly destroyed, including
<br />burned or partially burned furniture, personal belongings, household appliances,
<br />and patio furniture;
<br />i. This does not include burned or partially burned stone, sidewalks/concrete
<br />walkways on private property, landscaping features, or statues.
<br />e. Hazardous materials and pollutants; and
<br />£ Chimneys, trees, and unsupported walls that are hazardous to debris removal crews.
<br />S. In order to receive FEMA Public Assistance (PA) funding for PPDR, the County must
<br />undertake measures to avoid duplications of benefits, including by assisting the federal
<br />government in recovering any insurance or other proceeds that are paid to any private party
<br />for PPDR for which federal aid or reimbursement was received. See 42 U.S.C. § 5155, 44
<br />C.F.R. § 206.253(a), and 2 C.F.R. § 200.406. If a property owner receives assistance for PPDR
<br />from any third party, the state and local governments must facilitate reporting and recovering
<br />these amounts for FEMA.
<br />T. RFP #7301-22, Private Property Structural Debris and Hazard Tree Removal Operations,
<br />was issued on January 18, 2022. The project consists of three Operational Areas: Operation
<br />1 (unincorporated Boulder County), Operation 2 (Town), and Operation 3 (City). The
<br />evaluation committee included two staff representatives from each jurisdiction — Boulder
<br />County, the City and the Town. The evaluation committee did not include any elected
<br />officials, and the evaluation committee made a recommendation to the Boulder County
<br />Board of County Commissioners (the "BOCC"). On February 10, 2022, the BOCC adopted
<br />the committee's recommendation to award RFP #7301-22 to DRC Emergency Services,
<br />LLC (DRC).
<br />U. The evaluation committee developed a total project cost estimate of $52,641,495.89.
<br />However, final project costs are not yet fully determined. Final, total project costs will
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