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Members who have already served on the BCROC may be <br />appointed more than once and may serve consecutive terms if <br />appointed to do so by the Boulder PLGs. <br />3.5 BCROC Operations Board: The BCROC will use an Operations Board to make <br />funding and policy recommendations to the BCROC. Members of the Operations <br />Board are not members of BCROC unless separately appointed to BCROC as <br />provided for in subsection (b) above. Members of the operations Board will be <br />nominated by the Director of Boulder County Community Services for <br />consideration by the BCROC. The BCROC Operations Board may be comprised <br />of all or some of the following, not to include potential recipients of Opioid <br />Funds: <br />(i) Representatives from behavioral health providers. <br />(ii) Representatives from health care providers. <br />(iii) Recovery/treatment experts. <br />(iv) Other county or city representatives with relevant experience. <br />(v) A representative from the Attorney General's Office. <br />(vi) Community representative(s), preferably those with lived <br />experience with the opioid crisis. <br />(vii) Harm reduction experts. <br />3.6 Duties: The BCROC is primarily responsible for engaging with the Abatement <br />Council on behalf of the Region and following the procedures outlined in the <br />Colorado MOU for requesting Opioid Funds from the Regional Share, which shall <br />include developing 2-year plans, amending those plans as appropriate, and <br />providing the Abatement Council with data through its fiscal agent regarding <br />Opioid Fund expenditures. Upon request from the Abatement Council, the <br />BCROC may also be subject to an accounting from the Abatement Council. <br />3.7 Governance: The BCROC may establish its own procedures through adoption of <br />bylaws if needed. Any governing documents must be consistent with the other <br />provisions in this section and the Colorado MOU. <br />3.8 Authority: The terms of the Colorado MOU control the authority of the BCROC <br />and the BCROC shall not stray outside the bounds of the authority and power <br />vested by the Colorado MOU. Should the BCROC require legal assistance in <br />determining its authority, it may seek guidance from the legal counsel of the <br />county or municipal government of the BCROC's fiscal agent at the time the <br />issue arises. <br />