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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 31, 2022 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />Mayor Stolzmann introduced the executive session and City Attorney Kelly noted the <br />items to be discussed. <br />City Clerk Muth read Section 2.90.050 of the Louisville Municipal Code, which outlines the <br />topics permitted for discussion in an executive session. <br />City Attorney Kelly stated that regarding the authority for the executive session, Section 5- <br />2(b) of the Home Rule Charter authorizes an executive session for the purpose of <br />discussing a personnel matter involving an employee directly appointed by the City <br />Council. An executive session for this purpose is also authorized by the Open Meetings <br />Law, Section 24-6-402(4)(f) of the Colorado Revised Statutes. This request specifically <br />involves discussion of the City Manager who is directly appointed by the City Council. <br />MOTION: Mayor Stolzmann moved to go into executive session for the purpose of <br />discussing a personnel matter of an employee directly appointed by the City Council, and <br />that the executive session include City Attorney Kathleen Kelly. Mayor Pro Tem Maloney <br />seconded the motion. <br />Roll Call Vote: Motion passed by unanimous roll call vote. <br />Council went into executive session at 6:08 pm; Council returned from executive session <br />at 6:24 pm. <br />REPORT — PERSONNEL MATTER <br />City Attorney Kelly stated the City Council did discuss the City Manager in the executive <br />session. Mayor Stolzmann noted the City Manager recently had an accident and will be <br />away from work and that needs to be addressed in the employment agreement. <br />MOTION: Mayor Pro Tern Maloney moved to designate himself and Councilmember <br />Fahey to work with the City Attorney on amending the employment agreement to address <br />changes to the extended illness hours and the residency requirement. Councilmember <br />Fahey seconded the motion. <br />VOTE: Motion passed by unanimous roll call vote. <br />Mayor Stolzmann asked if any members would like to identify future agenda items. <br />Councilmember Most asked for an item to change the process so Council receives the <br />link to planning commission meeting videos as a part of the public record on all land use <br />cases and asked for discussion of a possible real estate purchase. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Maloney asked for a future agenda item for consideration of a change in <br />the meeting rules that allows for switching to remote meetings under specific <br />circumstances. <br />