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the people of the City of Louisville to observe Juneteenth Day with appropriate <br />ceremonies, activities and programs; and <br />The history and the plight of African Americans and all that was endured during chattel <br />slavery, reconstruction, Jim Crow, and the Civil Rights Movement is an example of pure <br />resilience; and <br />The City of Louisville recognizes, adopts and proclaims this proclamation to underscore <br />the freedom with dignity of every human being. As a governmental body, we oppose <br />and reject any form of oppression and pledge to support our residents and local entities <br />working to achieve equality and protect human rights. <br />DATED this 7t" day June, 2022 <br />ATTEST: <br />Ashley Stolzmann, Mayor <br />Meredyth Muth, City Clerk <br />