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LL Cityof CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />Louisville AGENDA ITEM 2A <br />COLORADO • SINCE 1878 <br />SUBJECT: 2023-2024 BIENNIAL BUDGET DEVELOPMENT PROCESS <br />AND FINANCIAL POLICIES <br />DATE: JULY 21, 2022 <br />PRESENTED BY: MEGAN DAVIS, ACTING CITY MANAGER <br />KEVIN WATSON, FINANCE DIRECTOR <br />BUDGET DEVELOPMENT PROCESS <br />The purpose of this agenda item is to briefly review the 2023-2024 biennial budget <br />development process. This process is very similar to those we have used in the past. <br />Attached is a current version of the detailed budget calendar, which was first presented <br />to the Finance Committee in January 2022. There have been some process changes <br />since then and staff has not always been able to meet all the prescribed dates. However, <br />this document provides an example of the detailed planning that goes into the budget <br />process and the interrelationship between the carryforward budget amendment, the 2023- <br />2028 Capital Improvements Plan, and 2023-2024 Biennial Operating & Capital Budget. <br />To smooth out the budget workload for staff, the capital budget request process is <br />designed as a completely separate process from the operational budget request process. <br />The capital budget request process occurs first, followed by the operational budget <br />request process. <br />The following is a high-level summary of the current budget development process. <br />January - March Departments meet with their advisory boards and other <br />stakeholders and develop requested capital projects for <br />2023 through 2028. <br />March - April Departments prepare requests for carry -forward budget <br />amendment, including requests for new projects/funding and <br />justification narratives. <br />May City Manager reviews all requests for capital projects and <br />develops a preliminary Six -Year Capital Improvements Plan. <br />May - June Departments prepare six -year revenue estimates, requests <br />for new positions/FTEs, and requests for operating budgets <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />2 <br />